Surprising Guests! The Classic Bouquet Toss Becomes Even More Fun When You Toss Three Bouquets at Once! ♡

2018.04.16 published
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Traditional Wedding Event: Bouquet Toss *

When it comes to traditional wedding events that symbolize marriage, bouquet toss is a familiar one! *

The bouquet toss involves the bride surrounded by mainly female guests,

where the lucky catchers of the bouquet are said to be able to become the "next bride," making it an interactive event for guests. ♡

It is held as a passing of happiness during the ceremony or garden party. *

Recently, it's trending to throw three bouquets at once! *

Until now, the bouquet toss typically involved throwing a single bouquet...

but recently, it seems to be trendy to throw multiple smaller mini-bouquets, like two or three, all at once with a “Hey!” ♡

Check out this photo! *

Indeed, it's fun to see one, two, or three pink bouquets floating in the air!

This way, more people get a chance to catch a bouquet, and the smiles of happiness seem to multiply! ♡

There are two methods to do it. *

There are two ways to carry out the bouquet toss with three bouquets. *

One method is to announce in advance, “There are three bouquets!”

This allows guests to prepare, thinking, "I’ll aim for the bouquet coming my way!" ♩

Surprise! The bouquet divides into three, creating cheerful gasps. ♡

The other method is to disguise it as a single bouquet at first, and then when thrown, it splits into three bouquets. *

Guests who see the suddenly multiplied bouquets in the air are sure to be surprised, saying, “Wait, it became three!?” ♡

It will surely be a surprise and hype up the atmosphere!

If you’re doing bouquet toss at your ceremony, give it a try! ♡

Bouquet toss is a classic and iconic wedding event. *

While everyone knows of the bouquet toss, the idea of preparing three bouquets is still quite rare! ♡

Brides planning to do bouquet toss during the ceremony, please give it a go! *

It can be done with flower bouquets or even candy bouquets. ♩

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