While It May Seem Long and Difficult! A Collection of Joyful German Phrases Perfect for Weddings♩

2021.01.06 published
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Using German might be a good idea♩

"I really love German beer and sausages."

"I've traveled to Germany and have fond memories."

"I enjoy watching German soccer (Bundesliga) and sports."

"I'm interested in German history and culture."

"I studied German at university."

"My honeymoon will be in Europe, specifically Germany."

For those who love Germany and have a connection to it.

Using phrases in "German" for wedding items instead of English or French might be a good idea♩

Many people associate German with a certain coolness!

Tweets like this often go viral, right?

While it may seem long, complex, and a bit formal, let’s take a look at some phrases in German that can be used at weddings!

Basic Greetings in German that might be useful for weddings

・Guten Tag(グーテン ターク)= Hello

・Danke(ダンケ)= Thank you

・Danke schön(ダンケ シェーン)= Thank you

・Vielen Dank(フィーレン ダンク)= Thank you very much

・Schönen Tag noch!(シェーネン ターク ノホ)= Have a nice day!

・Herzlich willkommen(ヘリツリッヒ ヴィルコメン)= Welcome

・Ich liebe dich(イッヒ リーベ ディッヒ)= I love you

・Prost!(プロースト)= Cheers!

Words Related to Marriage in German that might be useful for weddings

・Herzlichen Glückwunsch!(ヘルツリッヒ グリュックヴンシュ)= Congratulations!

・Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Hochzeit!(ヘルツリッヒ グリュックヴンシュ ツア ホッホツァイト)= Congratulations on your marriage!

・Alles Gute zur Hochzeit!(アレス グーテ ツア ホッホツァイト)= Best wishes for your marriage!

・Willkommen zu unserer Hochzeitsfeier(ヴィルコメン ツー ウンザ ホッホツァイトファイアー)= Welcome to the wedding celebration

・Herzlich Willkommen zur Hochzeitsfeier von 新婦 und 新郎!(ヘリツリッヒ ヴィルコメン ツア ホッホツァイトファイアー フォン 新婦 ウント 新郎)= Welcome to the wedding of the bride and groom!

・Ich bin auf der Seite(イッヒ ビン アウフ デア ザイテ)= I will always be by your side

・Festes Band(フェステス バンド)= Strong bond

・Ewige Liebe(エーヴィゲ リーベ)= Eternal love

・Braut und Bräutigam(ブラウト ウント ブロイティガム)= Bride and groom

・Glück(グリュック)= Happiness, good fortune

Quotes and Proverbs in German that might be useful for weddings

・Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied.

= Happiness is something you create for yourself.

・Lachen ist die beste Medizin.

= Laughter is the best medicine.

・Jeder Topf findet seinen Deckel.

= There is a soulmate for everyone.

・Glück ist Liebe, nichts anderes. Wer lieben kann, ist glücklich.

= Love is nothing but happiness. Those who can love are truly happy.

➡ These are words from author and poet Hermann Hesse.

Using German adds a unique and fresh touch♩

Here are some German phrases that might be used in DIY wedding items and paper goods.

Unlike English, the meanings and pronunciations can be challenging, but incorporating German into your designs will definitely create a unique atmosphere.

If you have a fondness for Germany, try using some German words and phrases!*

➡ For French wedding phrases, click here*

➡ For English phrases, click here*

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