"Unveiling the Unknown: A Comprehensive Guide to the Specific Duties and Process of Wedding Reception"
2019.08.01 published
The Essential Role of the Reception at a Wedding*
A wedding is created collaboratively by the couple and the venue staff to host their guests.
However, there is a role that requires cooperation from the guests.
That is the job of the [reception] before the ceremony begins*
Typically, each of the couple will designate two close friends or colleagues from their guests.
What Exactly is the Job of the Wedding Reception?
The reception is an indispensable role at weddings…
However, there may be those who feel, "Actually, I don't quite understand what the job entails."
Unless you've been asked to be in charge of the reception at a friend's wedding, you may not have the opportunity to know how the entire process flows from start to finish.
However, if you are entrusting the reception of your wedding to a dear friend, it is polite to understand the job and ask them with a sense of responsibility.
This article will explain the general flow of the reception work, although this may vary somewhat depending on the venue*
The Reception Job at the Wedding ① Arrive Early
First, it is important to note that the reception can take place in two patterns:
☑ Before the ceremony
☑ Between the ceremony and the reception
In either case, it is typical to arrive about 20 minutes early to receive instructions from the staff before other guests arrive.
If the reception for relatives is to be conducted prior to introducing the relatives, an even earlier gathering time may be needed.
When sending out invitations, be sure to include a note informing the reception staff of the gathering time*
The Reception Job at the Wedding ② Explanation from the Staff
For those guests assigned to the reception who arrive early, the venue staff will explain the flow of the reception.
If even one person is late, the staff cannot begin their explanation, so it is important from the perspective of the couple to choose friends who are punctual.
Additionally, guests may have questions during the reception, so it's good to know the following locations:
☑ Cloakroom
☑ Restroom
☑ Smoking Room
☑ Waiting Room
This way, you won’t have to hunt down the staff every time you receive a question.
If there's time, it's also recommended to greet the parents of the couple.
You can express congratulatory words and a brief self-introduction, along with a statement like "I will do my best at the reception."
Being able to exchange even a few words offers reassurance to the parents♡
Also, it is common for parents to express their gratitude for the reception, so be prepared for this to avoid being caught off guard when approached.
The Reception Job at the Wedding ③ Finally, It Starts! Waiting for Guests to Arrive*
After confirming the reception flow and the locations such as restrooms, take your position at the reception and wait for the arrival of other guests.
Be sure to complete any restroom or bag organization before the reception starts, making sure you’re ready to participate in the ceremony immediately after the reception ends.
When it’s time for the reception, other guests will begin to arrive one after another.
If people are lingering in front of the reception and are not coming forward, it's a good idea to guide them by saying, "The reception for the bride's side guests is here."
By efficiently completing the reception for arriving guests, you can prevent a long line from forming.
The Flow of the Wedding Reception ④ Greet Guests and Receive Their Gifts
As guests approach the reception, they will often say, "Congratulations on this day."
While receiving guests, you also hold the position of congratulating the couple by saying "Thank you" in response during the reception.
For relatives of the couple, it's perfectly fine to say, "Congratulations on this special day" as well.
After greetings, guests will present their monetary gifts. Accept them with both hands and say, "Thank you, I will take care of this."
At this time, it’s inappropriate to prompt guests with "Do you have a gift?" Wait for them to present it themselves.

The received gifts should be placed on the table in a way that the names are readable from the guest's side.
Don’t forget to check off who you’ve received gifts from on your reception list.
This also serves as an attendance list to see which guests have yet to arrive.
The Flow of the Wedding Reception ⑤ Have Guests Sign the Guest Book
After receiving the gifts, prompt guests to sign the guest book next.
You can say, "Excuse me, but please sign here," while pointing to the pen and guest book.
The guest book may include space for addresses and messages, but if there are many sections to fill out, it can make subsequent guests wait longer. So, it’s acceptable to only ask for their name.
Guests may ask, "Do I need to fill out everything?", so it’s advisable to confirm what sections should be filled out with the staff beforehand.
After they finish signing, be sure to say, "Thank you."
The Flow of the Wedding Reception ⑥ Hand Over the Seating Chart and Transport Allowance
After the exchange of gifts and signing is complete, hand over seating charts and profile books to each guest.
If you have transport allowances for distant guests, or gifts for those organizing the after-party or performances, be careful not to forget to hand these out.
When handing over, say something like, "This is being held by the bride and groom."
If you have activities like a guestbook, wedding tree, polaroid photos, or color guessing games after the reception, provide guidance for these at the reception.
If you are not familiar with the content, the reception attendees may not be able to explain it well to the guests, so it’s best for the couple to brief beforehand on what activities will be taking place.
Finally, after guiding them to the waiting room or changing room, the reception ends.
Repeat this process for each guest*
The Flow of the Wedding Reception ⑦ Hand Over Gifts to the Couple’s Relatives
Once all the guests have been received, deliver the collected gifts to the couple’s relatives.
Typically, all gifts are placed in a large bag and handed over, often stapled shut. The venue usually provides the bags and staples, so there’s no need for you to prepare them.
There will be instructions from the staff on when to deliver (before the ceremony, before the reception, etc.), so just follow those directions*
When handing them over, explain, “I have successfully completed the reception, so here are the gifts.” If you haven’t had a chance to greet and introduce yourself prior to this point, do it now.

Once you have delivered the gifts to the couple's relatives, your work will be complete♡
Occasionally, There Are Troubles...!
Not all reception work goes smoothly.
Unexpected questions may arise, or guests may not arrive until just before the ceremony starts, and forgetting to hand over transport allowances can lead to issues.
Since staff are usually close to the reception, if you have any concerns, don't hesitate to ask them right away.*
It’s also possible that the reception staff is instructed to wait for late guests, which could cause conflicts with the timing of the ceremony.
The guests entrusted with the reception are usually close friends. It would be sad for them not to see the entrance scene of the ceremony.
Discussing how to handle late guests in advance with the staff can also be reassuring for the couple.