"Once Married, Start Saving Money Strategically! A Summary of Simple Saving Methods*"

2018.05.07 published
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How do you save money?

The financial matters that become concerning once you get married and start a family.

How do you all save money??

"If I have money, I'll spend it, so I save in advance."

"I save coins with the 500 yen I have in my wallet without really thinking about it."

There are various saving methods like these*

The best way to save is to find a method that suits you or is easy to do.


Some people might be wondering, "What kind of saving methods are there to begin with?"

So today, I will introduce some simple and easy saving methods that you can practice♩

Saving Method 1: 365-Day Saving

The first method I would like to introduce is the 365-day saving* Prepare a sheet with numbers from 1 to 365 written on it, and save the same amount as the number in each box, ranging from 1 yen to 365 yen♡

The 365-day saving allows you to save 66,795 yen over a year, making it a fun and planned way to save* It might be nice to alternate saving with your partner every day♩

➡ More details on 365-day saving here*

Saving Method 2: Slide Saving

The next method is slide saving* Slide saving involves shifting your monthly allowance days by three days each month♩

Normally, a year has 12 months, so you would have 12 allowance days in a year, but by making January 1st your allowance day, February 4th your allowance day, March 7th your allowance day, and so on, you shift your allowance days by three days each month, which results in having 11 allowance days in a year and saving one month's worth!

For example, if both partners have an allowance of 30,000 yen each, you can save 60,000 yen over the year*

Your partner might not be thrilled about "reducing" their allowance, but they might not mind "shifting" the allowance date by three days♩

Saving Method 3: Change Saving

"Change saving," where you save the change you receive when you buy something, is a method that keeps your wallet tidy*

Not only can you save your change, but it also helps prevent unnecessary spending by making you think, "If I break a 1,000 yen bill, I will run out of money with my change savings…"

It’s exciting to wonder, "How much do I have saved up in my piggy bank now?"♡

Try Finding a Saving Method That Fits You and Your Household ♩

I introduced three easy saving methods that you can start today*

Once married, the money you used to earn and spend alone now has to be calculated as "shared household money."

It's important to save little by little for a happy married life and for your future children*

It would be wonderful to work together with your partner to save money happily♩

➡ Managing household finances conveniently with the app "OsidOri"♡

➡ We can introduce you to financial planners specializing in couples! For more details, click here**

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