Behind the Smile: What Are the After-Party Games That Leave a Less-Than-Positive Impression on Guests?のトップ画像

Behind the Smile: What Are the After-Party Games That Leave a Less-Than-Positive Impression on Guests?

2018.06.23 published
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What are the after-party games that guests really don't want to participate in?

The highlight of an after-party is the time for games that everyone can enjoy together.

There are various games such as bingo, rock-paper-scissors tournaments, bride-guessing quizzes, and "Catch the Blackbeard" that make it fun to think about what to do and what will get people excited.

However, when looking at bulletin boards and social media,

✓ "It was a game I really didn't want to play, but I had no choice and it was tough."

✓ "I just watched, but I was a bit put off by the content of the game."

There are indeed games that don't leave a very good impression among guests, behind the smiles...

You might have a guess about this, but what kind of games are they?

① Baby Bottle Chugging Game

First on the list is the baby bottle chugging game...!

It’s a classic after-party game, but watching adults suck on baby bottles is funny yet comical.

Both the players and the spectators might feel a tad embarrassed.

Plus, the participating guests might have their actions recorded in photos or videos...! They could even be published on social media.

It’s better to keep in mind that not all guests will find it "delicious" and amusing.*

② Cola Chugging Contest

The cola (or any carbonated drink) chugging contest is something that needs to be thought through carefully before doing it.

Many of you might have experienced this, but chugging a carbonated drink will surely lead to burping...! This is just a natural phenomenon.

However, burping in front of others can make you want to hide in a hole out of embarrassment, and honestly, people don't want to hear others burp either.

It might be hilarious at the moment, but later on you might hear someone say,

"I had a lot of old friends there, and it wasn’t just guys, it was just too embarrassing."

If you’re going to have a chugging competition, it might be better to choose orange juice instead.*

③ Toilet Paper Unrolling Race

Finally, we have the toilet paper unrolling race!

The game involves quickly pulling and unrolling toilet paper to see who can turn an empty roll the fastest.

As you can probably guess,

- Some guests might think it's wasteful and wonder what you will do with it afterwards.

- The remnants of toilet paper scattered on the floor can be pretty messy, and collecting them can be a hassle.

- It’s not that entertaining to watch.

These are three disadvantages...

Moreover, since one roll is quite long, if you really decide to do it, keep in mind that it can take quite a bit of time from preparation to clean-up.*

Let’s hold after-party games that everyone can enjoy♡

Of course, there are no games at after-parties that "you should definitely avoid!"*

However, knowing that there are games that don’t leave a very good impression among guests, as discussed this time,

let’s host games that we want to play and have a fun after-party together!♡

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