So Cute Yet…! A Compilation of Flowers with Even One Negative Meaning in Their Language
2021.01.22 published
The Language of Flowers is Not Always Positive...!
Each flower blooming around the world has its own designated flower language.
Famous examples include the flower language of Baby's Breath which is "pure heart," and that of roses which represents "love" and "beauty."
Unfortunately, not all flower languages have positive meanings.
There are flowers that, despite their cute appearances, carry negative meanings as well.

Here, we'll introduce some well-known flowers often used in weddings that have negative flower languages.
① Hydrangea "fickleness," "infidelity"
The adorable hydrangea blooms in early summer.
While hydrangeas have positive meanings like "family togetherness," "energetic woman," and "patient love,"
they also carry the negative meanings of "fickleness" and "infidelity" due to their petals changing color over time.

② Carnation "contempt," "disappointment"
The carnation is a familiar flower often given as a gift for Mother's Day.
It has wonderful meanings like "love for mother" and "pure and deep love," but interestingly,
yellow carnations are said to represent "contempt" and "disappointment."
By the way, yellow has historically symbolized negativity in Christianity, representing decline and melancholy,
which may relate to its flower language...

③ Rose "jealousy," "diminished affection"
Even the famous rose, which is well-known for meanings such as "love" and "beauty," has its own negative flower language!
This includes "jealousy" and "diminished affection."
Like the carnation, yellow roses in particular are associated with these unfavorable meanings.

④ Marigold "sorrow," "jealousy," "despair"
The marigold, characterized by its yellow and orange colors.
While marigolds have the flower language of "unfaltering love,"
they also carry negative meanings such as "sorrow," "jealousy," and "despair," hinted at by their ominous yellow color...
⑤ Lavender "mistrust," "suspicions"
The stylish purple lavender is essential in natural weddings.
In addition to meanings like "purity" and "expectation,"
lavender is also associated with the flower languages of "mistrust" and "suspicions" due to its surprisingly strong fragrance.
⑥ Daffodil "vanity," "self-love"
The daffodil, mainly in white and yellow, actually has mostly unfavorable meanings,
such as "vanity" and "self-love."
This is derived from the ancient Greek legend of Narcissus, a beautiful boy who fell in love with his own reflection and transformed into a daffodil...!
⑦ Tulip "unrequited love," "lost love"
Spring's tulip is well-known for meanings like "thoughtfulness" and "sincere love."
However, yellow tulips carry the shockingly negative meaning of "unrequited love,"
while white tulips are associated with "lost love"...

⑧ Anemone "suffering in love," "abandoned"
The anemone has strong flower languages like "I love you" and "truth," but also carries meanings that tug at the heart,
like "suffering in love" and "abandoned."
This is derived from the sad Greek myth where a goddess weeps over the death of a boy she loved, and her tears turned into anemones...
⑨ Weeping Cherry Blossom "deception"
The meanings of cherry blossoms differ slightly based on their variety, such as Somei Yoshino, Yaezakura, and Yamazakura,
but the weeping cherry tree uniquely carries the flower language of "deception" in addition to "grace."
Its branches droop, which gives it the appearance of hiding and deceiving.
⑩ Lupine "greed"
Finally, we introduce the lupine flower, which has recently gained popularity in weddings.
While it has wonderful meanings like "imagination," "always happy," and "you are my comfort,"
due to its strong ability to absorb nutrients from the soil, it is also associated with the flower language of "greed."
Even if there are some negative meanings, cute flowers are still cute!
We introduced various flowers that have negative meanings but are frequently used in weddings.
It's fascinating to see how flower languages have developed due to Greek legends or the association with yellow!
By the way, on a previous Instagram survey by marry,
we asked, "The hydrangea has the meaning of infidelity, but do you use it at weddings without concern? Or do you avoid it due to the meaning?"
The results showed that 62% would use it without concern, while 38% would avoid it due to the meaning.
What do you think?
➡ Cute.... but the hydrangea has bad flower language too! Would you use it at a wedding or not?
Wishing that all brides can have a happy wedding with their favorite flowers♡