Do you know how to say "bride and groom" in languages other than English, besides "Esposo/Esposa"?

2019.08.04 published
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In Japanese, we say “新郎新婦” (Shinro Shinpu), in English it's “Groom & Bride”, but what about other countries...?

How many words do you know that refer to the couple?

In Japanese, we have 新郎新婦 (Shinro Shinpu) and 花婿花嫁 (Hanamuko Hanayome),

while in English, Groom & Bride are standard phrases.*

Do you know how to say "bride and groom" in languages other than English, besides "Esposo/Esposa"?にて紹介している画像

In other languages, “新郎新婦” is expressed like this*

Besides Japanese and English, there are words for the couple all around the world.*

For example:

☑ German: Gatte/Gattin

☑ Spanish: esposo/esposa

☑ Finnish: puoliso/aviopuoliso

☑ French: époux/épouse

☑ Italian: sposo/sposa

☑ Korean: 신랑신부 (Sinrang Sinbu)

☑ Chinese: 新娘和新郎 (Xīnniáng hé xīnláng)

And many more*

Don’t you think it would be lovely to express “新郎新婦” in the language of a country the couple loves, has memories of, or is traveling to for their honeymoon?

Do you know how to say "bride and groom" in languages other than English, besides "Esposo/Esposa"?にて紹介している画像

It’s also wonderful as a wedding photo*

This bride took a wedding photo holding the meaning of “新郎新婦” in Spanish, which is “Esposo/Esposa”♩

Unlike Groom & Bride, I think it’s stylish, don’t you?

The bride is holding “Esposo” (Groom),

while the groom holds the figure for “Esposa” (Bride).*

People who don’t understand Spanish may not know what it says at first glance, but that adds to the charm as it seems like a secret just for the couple.♡

Let's express “新郎新婦” in languages from around the world*

“新郎新婦” is referred to in English as “Groom/Bride”, in Spanish as “Esposo/Esposa”, and there are equivalent words in other languages too.♡

While “新郎新婦” and “Groom & Bride” feel familiar, using words from other countries adds a special touch and elegance.♩

How about expressing the couple differently from “新郎新婦” and “Groom & Bride”?♡

Do you know how to say "bride and groom" in languages other than English, besides "Esposo/Esposa"?にて紹介している画像

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