"Mosaics are Sad Like Criminals! Creative Ways to Hide His Face for Instagram When Face Reveals are a No-Go*"
2019.08.18 published
Posting Reports on Instagram is Fun ♡
For brides who have finished their pre-wedding shoots and ceremonies, one of the joys is sharing their wedding reports on Instagram ♡
Many people enjoy sharing their experiences with the hope that it serves as a record for themselves and as a reference for future brides-to-be...
It's a sentiment that many people resonate with*
What About the Groom's Face?
But when posting photos on Instagram, what do you do about the groom's face?
Do you generally post it as is? Or do you hide it somehow?
I think there are many who would say, "My partner and I don't mind that sort of thing, so we openly show our faces~”
However, there are some who say:
"I don’t want my face shown~"
"I’d be embarrassed if people around me found out, so please hide my face if you post it."
"Due to my profession, I don’t want my face to be out there~"
"I just really don’t like my face being posted on social media or the internet!"
It seems that there are quite a few men who feel this way about showing their faces compared to women.
If they express that sentiment, you can’t just upload his face without permission, so you’ll have to find a way to hide it*
Mosaics Can Feel a Bit Unnatural...
When hiding a face in photos before posting them on Instagram, the most common method is to apply a mosaic effect.
But depending on how you look at it, isn’t the mosaic a bit unnatural...?
On TV, for instance, you often see mosaics placed over the faces of celebrities involved in scandals...
It's just not fashionable...

Of course, many brides may apply mosaics without any ill intent, so that’s totally fine,
but there are various other ways to conceal a face, so please check those out too*
Method 1 to Hide the Groom's Face
A classic way to hide a groom's face is to simply stick a white text that says "Groom" over it ♡
This can easily be achieved using free apps like LINE Camera or Phonto,
but many brides use a stamp from an app called "Typic," which costs 120 yen ♩
Since it’s in two lines, it covers the face entirely, and above all, the design is really stylish*
Method 2 to Hide the Groom's Face
However, just using the English text stamp might not fully conceal the face...!
In that case, applying a light mosaic and adding "Groom" on top would be perfect ♡
It’s important to keep the mosaic light so it appears natural*