Cute Combination of Large Sealing Wax Stamp and Ribbon for Invitations and Seating Charts ♩

2018.08.01 published

Sealing stamps are cute ♡

Sealing stamps, used to seal envelopes, are a staple item for wedding paper goods.

Just by using sealing stamps for the sealing sticker, it gets a chic and overseas vibe ♡

However, it seems there are other cute ways to use sealing stamps too ♡ (I discovered something new ♡)

It's cute to use sealing stamps to hold ribbons ♡

While looking at overseas wedding ideas, I discovered this rare and cute way to use sealing stamps in Japan ♡

This method involves attaching a ribbon that wraps around paper items with a sealing stamp ♩

While it’s quite common to add ribbons to paper items, using sealing stamps as a substitute for glue is a rare idea ♡

Isn’t it stylish? ♡

I want to combine them like this ♩

Here are some ideas for paper items that combine ribbon and sealing stamps ♡


First, use a ribbon and a sealing stamp on the main invitation.

While it’s standard to press sealing stamps on the envelope, using them on the paper inside the envelope is refreshing ♡


A pure white paper item with a ribbon and a gold sealing stamp looks cute ♡


An idea to make the fluttery part of the ribbon (it seems to be called "tare") longer ♡


A type that you untie the ribbon to see inside ♡

Double cute elements ♩

☑ Sealing stamp

☑ Ribbon

Both are cute things that girls love.

Combining them creates a wonderfully glamorous item ♩

Perfect for invitations, seating charts, place cards, and profile books.

It’s definitely cute, so please give it a try ♡

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