How Many Kilos Did You Lose? With or Without Exercise? Real Experiences and Methods for Bride Dieting Before the Weddingのトップ画像

How Many Kilos Did You Lose? With or Without Exercise? Real Experiences and Methods for Bride Dieting Before the Wedding

2018.08.02 published
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Everyone, Please Tell Me Your Diet Methods!!

A wedding is a grand stage for women! ♡ It's the time when you get the most attention and the most photos taken of you in your life.

Therefore, it's completely natural to want to be the most beautiful version of yourself in your life♡

That's why everyone tends to go on a diet before their wedding.

While being thinner does not necessarily mean being more beautiful, losing weight and changing body lines can make a person shine like never before♡

I think many people do their diets in their own ways, but aren't you curious about how everyone else is toning their bodies and maintaining restraint??

What kind of eating habits did they have? How much did they exercise? And how many kilos did they lose?

Here are real bride diet experiences!

How Many Kilos Did You Lose? With or Without Exercise? Real Experiences and Methods for Bride Dieting Before the Weddingにて紹介している画像

Bride Diet Experience 1

I visited several esthetic salons for experiences.

What was commonly said at each salon was that I had "severe shoulder stiffness."

Because of that, my muscles tensed, leading to a hunched back → creating stagnation → leading to poor metabolism → causing difficulty in losing weight & swelling & cellulite.

I realized that!

So, I distributed my beauty expenses among esthetics, acupuncture, and chiropractic treatments.

① Loosen my shoulder stiffness with acupuncture

② Balance my body with chiropractic

③ Drain stagnation with esthetics

At the same time, I restricted carbohydrates.

6 months prior to the ceremony ▼

Only eliminate carbohydrates at night; everything else is free.

4-5 months prior ▼

Breakfast: *Free food*

Lunch: *Salad, yogurt, protein*

Dinner: *Carb-free side dishes & salad*

3 months prior to the day ▼

Breakfast: *Yogurt, protein*

Lunch: *Same as breakfast + salad*

Dinner: *Carb-free side dishes & salad*

It seems that having my favorite foods once or twice a month is beneficial^ ^

I indulged in generous servings of rice and grilled meat twice a month!

I lost 10 kilograms in six months!

I dislike exercising, so I hardly did any (laughs).

My husband, who was a professional boxer, taught me how to lose weight (laughs).

➡ Check out the summary article on bridal esthetics here*

Bride Diet Experience 2

Six months prior to the wedding, I started taking the trendy Korean herbal diet medicine that I was curious about.

It's AB丸 from AB Clinic.

When I took it, it suppressed my appetite, allowing me to feel full with a smaller amount of food, which was a godsend for someone like me who tends to overeat!

Since it was sourced from South Korea, I researched its safety and found that AB丸 is made from 100% natural ingredients, with no chemical components, so I felt relieved. I also saw recent news on Yahoo about Korean diet drugs actually being stimulants, so I contacted the official source, and they replied that it had nothing to do with that news.

After receiving it, I continued to get support from the clinic director via LINE, which felt new and like an online personal training experience, and within a month of starting, I lost 4 kilograms!

Reducing my food intake made me feel stress-free without feeling guilty about overeating, and my body felt lighter, so I got into stretching at home every day!

➡ Learn more about AB丸 here*

Bride Diet Experience 3

In the morning, I have fruit.

For lunch, I indulge in my favorites.

And for dinner, a small salad with chicken breast.

When I eat snacks, I do it in the morning to reduce stress.

I love carbonated drinks but didn't consume them during my diet. I did simple stretches and light exercises.

Since it was a limited period of six months, I managed to lose 7 kilograms.

I felt pleased being able to wear the dress beautifully!

➡ If you are considering meal restrictions, witch soup is also recommended*

Bride Diet Experience 4

Initially, I was struggling with skin issues, possibly due to the stress of preparation, and sought help from doctors and esthetic experiences, but didn't see the results I wanted 😞

I thought the only way to get beautiful from the inside out was to try fasting, which I saw on Instagram!

It was a total program of 7 days,

The first two days consisted of mostly vegetables.

The next three days involved only the fasting drink, water, and rooibos tea.

The last two days included boiled radish.

The fasting drink was surprisingly easy to drink; the first day was tough, but gradually my body felt better, my skin improved, and I lost weight, making it enjoyable!

Ultimately, I lost 3 kilograms in one round!

If someone has more time, I think repeating it gradually can lead to even more beauty😊

Bride Diet Experience 5

I was terrified of back fat when I tried on the dress, so I was determined to work on my "back muscles"!

I started with 5 repetitions and gradually increased by one each day, and I still continue to do it without strain❤️

I occasionally had my husband step on my feet, and I took breaks during my period.

By the time of my dress fitting two months later, that back fat miraculously disappeared👏✨

I plan to continue this routine until the wedding!

Strengthening the shoulder blades also improves regular posture, which will be helpful for brides to maintain their stance during the ceremony🙆‍♀️❤️

➡ Check out the article about back esthetics here*

Bride Diet Experience 6

I've tried various methods like going to the gym and esthetics, but the most effective was controlling my diet✨

Stopping snacks and being mindful of the order and quantity of what I eat made a significant difference!

I lost 6 kilograms over three months!

I believe finding a diet that suits you is the most important thing (^_^)

Bride Diet Experience 7

I am doing a diet that reduces the amount of carbohydrates at night.

I replace rice with tofu, cabbage, or tomatoes to ensure I feel full.

I eat plenty in the morning and at lunch! I believe it's unwise to deprive oneself, and reducing food often leads to rebound, making one's chest smaller.

In addition, I have been correcting my pelvic alignment to restore my organs to their proper positions, and I wear a corset to create a waistline.

Bride Diet Experience 8

I've made a decision to avoid unnecessary foods😊💓

For example, during lunch, instead of a set meal, I choose a la carte.

Since dinner is at home, I even gave the last piece of fried chicken to my husband, laughing.

I would often suggest to myself whether I truly wanted to eat it or if I was already full.

Additionally, I drank 1 liter of herbal tea every day.

However, since I love sweets, I convinced myself that they were not unnecessary and enjoyed indulging.

As a result, I lost 8 kilograms over 10 months!

In the final stretch, I felt so full emotionally from the excitement that I couldn't eat at all!

Bride Diet Experience 9

I'm a future bride with a wedding in October🌟

My diet consists of doing towel shoulder raises 150 to 200 times daily, using a six-pack machine, and cooking without oils.

I generally don’t deprive myself of the foods I want, focusing mostly on vegetables☺️

I am currently 47 kilograms at 156 cm tall, having started last winter and lost 5 kilograms. I hope this information is helpful😊

Bride Diet Experience 10

I went to bridal esthetics😊

I splurged on a higher-tier esthetic course than usual.

I tried the enzymes sold at the esthetic clinic as well.

I was able to detox and lose weight healthily without any special exercises, and on my wedding day, I was in the best shape I’d ever been as an adult😊

➡ Check out the summary article on bridal esthetics here*

Bride Diet Experience 11

I believe that dieting by not eating, or a restrictive diet, is something to avoid.

While it's maintainable until the day of the wedding, the backlash afterward was tremendous (laughs).

Bride Diet Experience 12

I'm not naturally slim, so I was primarily concerned about my body shape.

I desperately wanted to wear the colored dress beautifully, but since I had never succeeded in a diet before, and I thought it would stress me out and lead to binging,

I started a manageable routine a month and a half before the wedding and lost 5 kilograms!

On the day of the wedding, when many women complimented me saying, "Your collarbone and back are gorgeous!!", I felt incredibly happy 😭

🌿 What I did 🌿

◎ 1-minute 30-second plank after bathing

◎ Eating sufficient carbohydrates for lunch

◎ Eating dinner as early as possible in the 18:00 hour

◎ Having carb-free dinners with vegetable soup, fish, natto, and pickled plum

◎ Attending Dr. Body (esthetic) for a month

◎ Reducing caffeine and drinking water (I was advised to drink over 1.5 liters per day)

◎ Massaging my body to detoxify

I love vegetables, so vegetable soup wasn't burdensome at all, and it warms my belly while improving my bowel movements.

Some claim esthetics are just a mental relief, but I saw visible effects from just one session, so I highly recommend them.

I can’t stick to the gym, but I can surely continue going to esthetics because it's enjoyable♩

Bride Diet Experience 13

Instead of going to esthetics, I attended hot yoga,

ate cucumbers before meals to be mindful of my diet!!

When I had my final fitting, the dress staff told me I'd lost quite a bit of weight! I was so happy✨

I kept telling myself I would work hard for the wedding!! ( ^ω^ )

Bride Diet Experience 14

About bride dieting,

I planned to do a low-carb diet, bought a recipe book, and switched all my meals to low-carb diet recipes starting the next day,

but I ended up feeling dizzy and was diagnosed with low blood sugar when I went to the internal medicine department.

The doctor scolded me, saying, "Start with one meal and make sure to eat rice or bread."

Bride Diet Experience 15

I'm a future bride with a wedding coming up in September!

I'm currently on a diet too!

Not so much a strict diet but more of an effort to get fit.

What I’m doing includes

・Reducing meal portions at night as much as possible

・Not eating rice at dinner

・Being mindful of calorie intake a bit on the days following overeating

(I heard it takes three days for excess food to turn into fat)

・Going to the gym for strength training about twice a week;

The menu mainly focuses on core and arm exercises.

I haven't run at all.

I don't feel motivated to go to the gym alone, so I go with a friend

(that friend isn’t a future bride).

That's about it.

However, when dining out with friends, I don't hesitate to eat whatever I crave.

Sometimes I indulge in grilled meat at night...💓

Striking a balance is important, as too much constraint can be stressful.

I strive not to be too lenient on myself!

When I chose my dress in March, I was a size 9, but by early July, I had dropped to a size 5

(my location doesn't have size 7, though💦).

My body shape has changed, but my weight has only shifted by about 3 kilograms since March!

Bride Diet Experience 16

[About bride dieting] I did a tofu diet the week right before the wedding!

I replaced dinner rice with one block of tofu.

Side dishes could be eaten normally. I lost 3 kilograms in a week!

Bride Diet Experience 17

About bride dieting.

What I was doing was

☑ Light meal restrictions

☑ Walking to work for 20 minutes one way (while doing abdominal breathing, focusing on drawing in my stomach)

☑ Always using the stairs

☑ Standing on my toes while brushing my teeth

☑ Since my arms were a concern, I was massaging and doing arm exercises.

For light meal restrictions:

☑ Breakfast was one apple every day (quite filling)

☑ Lunch was a home-cooked bento

(side dishes could be anything I like, but the rice had to be cold)

☑ Dinner was without carbohydrates, eating only side dishes (80% full).

Thanks to this, I could wear my dress beautifully!!

By the way, drawing in your stomach means sucking your stomach in as much as possible while going about daily activities, which makes for easy toning!

The "bye-bye" arm move works by extending your arms back at about 45 degrees and alternating your palms, just like waving bye, which exercises your upper arms!

Eating cooled rice encourages the starch to turn into a fibrous component, promoting digestion better than warm rice.

Bride Diet Experience 18

Good evening, this is regarding bride dieting.

By recording my meals, walking (traveling on foot), occasional swimming, and a regular diet, I lost 9 kilograms.

Bride Diet Experience 19

I have the habit of rebounding if I spend too long trying to lose weight, so I maintained the desire to slim down until it was under six months before the wedding, and then I started working hard!!

I keep visualizing my face and upper arms on the big day, reminding myself that I still have time!!

I’m putting mental pressure on myself not to fall into rebound patterns! (laughs)

Bride Diet Experience 20

I lost about 4 kilograms before the wedding!

I had caught a cold before starting my diet and lost about 2 kilograms then, so after that, I worked to avoid gaining,

avoiding sweets, always eating until I was 80% full, trying to walk more, and occasionally hitting the gym🙆‍♀️✨

I allowed myself sweets now and then as long as I kept them in moderation!

I also tried to avoid eating right after meals, as I believed it gets digested together with the food, so I made sure to eat sweets a little while after the main meal!

Additionally, I weighed myself daily to keep track!

Bride Diet Experience 21

While watching TV at home, I sat on a balance ball instead of a couch!

I prioritized appearance over weight, which helped my stomach tighten and waistline appear clearer in the dress!

Bride Diet Experience 22

What I practiced was to start with things I could maintain…

① I stopped snacking and drinking juice.

② I went for evening walks or jogs.

③ I weighed myself every day.

④ I included salad and miso soup in my meals.

⑤ I did core training.

⑥ I reduced my rice intake.

Bride Diet Experience 23

Nice to meet you✨

Regarding my diet, I stopped eating sweets 😃

Just that alone helped me lose 2 to 3 kilograms😂

I also made one meal light, reducing my white rice at night to half of what I usually eat😌

I made it a habit to eat salad first, while enjoying my side dishes, but I avoided fried foods 😊

When eating out, I was hooked on the lettuce-wrapped burger from MOS😄

As I have a job that involves moving, I didn't increase my exercise specially!

But since I had poor posture, I wore a corset that helped me focus on maintaining good posture, which made my belly and back look slim😊

Ultimately, I lost 7-8 kilograms😆

Bride Diet Experience 25

For dinner, I had a chicken breast salad!

I put shredded cabbage in a bag sold at convenience stores and topped it with grilled chicken breast seasoned with salt and pepper!

Other than dinner, I had regular meals, and thanks to attending slimming esthetics, I lost 8 kilograms in a year!

I didn't exercise at all (^^)

I felt great when everyone said, "You've lost weight!" at my wedding laugh.

Face your body carefully and treat it well! Satisfaction is key!

Hearing these experiences, I'm surprised that so many people succeeded in losing around 10 kilograms for their weddings!

That's amazing....!

Moreover, I'm moved that many of them took healthy approaches, such as gaining muscle and correcting posture, instead of just restricting food.

It seems like becoming healthy and beautiful can enrich one's life♡

There are different diets that suit different people.

For the brides-to-be currently on a diet, please be sure to prioritize your health and aim for a beautiful bridal appearance♡

By the way, the popular app for tracking diets is "Asuken."

It not only allows you to log your meals but also provides free advice from registered dietitians, enabling a stress-free diet that balances health and beauty.

It can help prevent situations where self-directed diets result in rebounds, making it perfect for brides-to-be on a diet♡

Brides-to-be engaged in diets, please download it!*

➡ Download "Asuken" here

➡ Check out the summary article on bridal esthetics here*

How Many Kilos Did You Lose? With or Without Exercise? Real Experiences and Methods for Bride Dieting Before the Weddingにて紹介している画像

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