"Don't Feel Down Even If the Weather's Bad: A Collection of Wonderful Wedding Superstitions for Rainy Days"のトップ画像

"Don't Feel Down Even If the Weather's Bad: A Collection of Wonderful Wedding Superstitions for Rainy Days"

2018.08.07 published
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Rain on Your Wedding Day. But Don't Be Discouraged!

As the wedding day approaches, you start to worry about the weather on the big day...!

What everyone wishes for is, of course, a sunny day.

Natural light allows for beautiful photos, and considering that guests are coming from afar,

clear weather, free from the need for umbrellas or spare stockings, is the best!*

But we can't go against nature...!

It's entirely possible that the weather forecast on the day predicts "rain."

After anticipating your wedding for half a year or a year, it's only natural to feel a bit shocked if rain is in the forecast.

However, dwelling too much on it could negatively affect your mind, skin, and body,

so it's important to switch your mindset and not get discouraged, not dwell on it, and not overthink it!♡

There Are Wonderful Omens♡

Moreover, there are many auspicious omens for brides on rainy days, symbolizing happiness,

and they are still passed down among brides around the world* (and they differ by country!).

On the wedding day, if it rains,

it's understandable to think negatively like "Did I do something bad?" or "I must be unhappy…" or "I hate rain! (Tears)"

but let's put that aside and remember the happy omens!♩

That "gloomy" feeling might become just a little lighter.

Here are some wonderful omens for rainy weddings from various countries around the world!*

Rainy Day Omen ① France

The most famous one is the French omen, "A rainy wedding brings good luck (Mariage pluvieux mariage heureux)."

It is said to mean that God will shed a lifetime's worth of tears for the bride and groom before they die.

"So does that mean no more sad things will happen?" It's a lovely omen that strangely uplifts you!*

Rainy Day Omen ② Italy

In Italy, they believe that "A bride soaked by rain will find happiness (Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata)."*

Rain was originally essential for growing crops, so when it rains, the soil improves and prosperity follows.

Indeed, in Japan too, there are positive associations with rain, such as "blessing rain" and "when it rains, the earth becomes solid."♡

Rainy Day Omen ③ Hawaii

The Hawaiian proverb for a rainy wedding day is,

"No rain, No Rainbow," meaning that rain leads to even better outcomes!*

Additionally, there’s an omen that states, "If it rains on your wedding day, it guarantees a baby!"♡

Rainy Day Omen ④ China

In China, there’s an omen that "Rainy days are auspicious days."*

There is a mythical creature called the Rain Dragon (Uryu) that governs rain,

and it is said that this dragon makes it rain as a sign of God’s blessings.

It is a symbol of good fortune!♡

Rainy Day Omen ⑤ Tibet

In Tibet, they metaphorically describe rain as flowers falling from the sky, saying, "Rain is like flowers pouring from the sky."*

Isn’t that a cute omen?

Thus, if it rains on a significant day in life, it's said to be a vibrant and happy day filled with flowers!♡

Rainy Day Omen ⑥ Japan

Finally, the last omen I’d like to introduce is from Japan.*

As mentioned earlier, it also conveys meanings of "blessing rain" and "when it rains, the earth solidifies,"

In the world of Kabuki, they say that when it rains, "happiness (the customers) pours in!"♡

If we think that a wedding on a rainy day means that happiness will rain down, we can feel joyful!*

Even if it Rains, It's Okay♡

I have introduced various rainy wedding omens from around the world.*

Many brides are likely staring at the weather forecast every day, wishing "Please be sunny, please be sunny,"

but if it does rain, let's switch our mindset and enjoy the day to the fullest!♡

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