Simply Hang to Create! Easy Dried Flower DIY Guide*
2020.03.19 published
I Want to Make Dried Flowers!
Dried flowers, which are flowers that have been dried, have a natural and stylish atmosphere, don't they?
Recently, they are also sold in stores, but of course, you can make them at home yourself.
It's great because you can keep flowers from bouquets you received on display without throwing them away! Moreover, in overseas countries, dried flowers are sometimes seen as "flowers that bloom forever," which is quite romantic!
Making dried flowers is easy, and
it is common to dry them by hanging them like this...
However, there are many things you might not know, such as how long it takes and where it’s best to hang them when you're doing it for the first time.
So in this article, I will introduce how to make dried flowers for beginners!
《How to Make Dried Flowers》
First, let’s introduce the basic method for making dried flowers.
① Gather the flowers without overlapping the petals.
② Hang them indoors in a place that doesn’t receive direct sunlight.
③ Once they are completely dry, they’re done! (It usually takes about 1 to 2 weeks.)
These three steps are essential.
Basically, just hanging the flowers will turn them into dried flowers. It’s also fine to use a clothes drying hanger to suspend them.
It's really easy, isn’t it?
【Question】Should I just hang the flowers when they start wilting after I bought them?
But what you might be wondering is when to start hanging the flowers you bought from the flower shop.
After all, these beautiful flowers you bought.
You might want to display them in a vase for as long as possible, but
you can make beautiful dried flowers if you hang them as soon as possible.
So, even though it feels a bit heart-wrenching,
flowers you bought or bouquets you received should be turned upside down and hung up as soon as possible rather than left in a vase.
This way, you will be able to make beautiful dried flowers.
If you really want to display them,
it seems like you can enjoy smaller flowers for 2 to 3 days before hanging them up.
For larger flowers, it’s best to hang them up as soon as possible (it’s said that hanging them on the same day they were bought or received is a good practice).
The reason it's better to hang them up quickly is that if they wilt before drying out, they won't turn into beautiful dried flowers.
If your desire to enjoy dried flowers is greater than that of fresh flowers, it would be better to hang them up early.
How Long Does It Take?
Another point of concern when making dried flowers is how long it takes after you start hanging them.
To dry them completely,
larger flowers typically take 1 to 2 weeks,
while smaller flowers can dry in about 5 to 10 days.
Flowers with larger petals may take longer and might not turn out nicely as dried flowers,
so it may be better for beginners to choose smaller flowers.
Where is the Best Place to Hang Them?
The place to hang dried flowers is a
【shady spot indoors that does not receive direct sunlight】!
It’s recommended to hang them using clothespins or similar items so that air can evenly circulate around the flowers, instead of hanging them against a wall.
What if I Want to Dry Them Faster?
It typically takes 1 to 2 weeks to dry fresh flowers,
but there may be times when you want to "turn them into dried flowers quickly!"
or "there are too many flowers and I can't hang them all in the house!"
In such cases, you can also use a bathroom dryer or a hairdryer to dry them.
By hanging them in a bathroom dryer, it can take around 3 to 6 hours, and if you put the flowers in a paper bag and apply the hairdryer for about 5 minutes before hanging, you can turn them into dried flowers within 1 to 3 days, so give it a try.
【Easy】Let’s Make Dried Flowers!
I introduced a simple way to make dried flowers.
Dried flowers can be surprisingly easy to make!
Use them to create items or decorations, or to preserve the flowers you’ve received.
➡ If you want more ♡ Check out Rakuten's Dried Flower Lucky Bag!