The Great Power of the "To-Do List" Board: Secrets to a Happy Marriage During Wedding Planning and Beyond!
2018.10.04 published
Have You Made a To-Do List?
Have you created a "to-do (TODO) list" to share wedding preparations with him and to avoid overlooking anything that needs to be done?
There are so many things to do right up until the wedding day. All of them are important, so forgetting any of them can be quite a hassle.
Therefore, having a "to-do list" board that clearly shows what needs to be done makes it convenient for both of you to share your plans ♩
☑ Who
☑ By when
☑ What needs to be done
can be managed neatly ♩
➡ Click here for how to create a to-do list*
The key is to write the tasks on color-coded sticky notes by category, making it easy to see at a glance*
Don't Throw It Away! The TODO List Can Still Be Used After the Wedding ♩
You might think the TODO list created during wedding preparations is no longer needed after the wedding...
But this to-do list is also useful for your new life together!*
For example,
☑ Updating your driver's license
☑ Change of address
☑ Thank-you gifts for those who sent you congratulatory gifts
☑ Thank-you gifts for those who sent you telegrams
☑ Creating a souvenir list for your honeymoon
And more, it's very handy to keep using the to-do list even after the wedding ♩
➡ To-Do List for Things to Do After the Wedding