"A Bride Cuts Ribbons While Dancing! A Fun New Bouquet Pulls Trend from Abroad to Try!"のトップ画像

"A Bride Cuts Ribbons While Dancing! A Fun New Bouquet Pulls Trend from Abroad to Try!"

2018.10.27 published
0b7d97bf 11f1 4e31 a1ec c177ede3eebb

Passing the Happiness "Bouquet Pulls"*

An event that connects the bride's happiness to the next bride: "Bouquet Pulls"*

Bouquet pulls involve attaching several ribbons to the bouquet (with winning ribbons connected to the bouquet),

and having the guests simultaneously pull the ribbons, passing the bouquet to the person who has the ribbon connected to it♩

Unlike bouquet tossing, there are many appealing points, such as the bouquet not falling to the ground and being able to designate participants*

Since everyone pulls multiple ribbons all at once, the moment they pull, it becomes exciting as they shout "I won!"...

However, there’s an even more exciting method of bouquet pulls used abroad, so let me introduce it♩

Discovering a bouquet pull where guests circle around and the bride cuts the ribbons!

Check out this video of bouquet pulls from overseas♡

The guests circle around the bride holding ribbons,

while the bride dances in the center, cutting the ribbons*

To ensure the bride cannot see which guest has which ribbon, you can blindfold her (be careful with scissors!),

and use ribbons of the same color*

The type of bouquet pull where everyone pulls ribbons at once ends very quickly,

but this method takes a bit longer, allowing everyone to savor the thrilling moment for a longer time♡

Moving in a circle with music also seems like it would be exciting, like a musical chairs game!

Exciting! I want to try the overseas bouquet pull♩

I introduced a rare way of bouquet pulls where the bride cuts the ribbons with scissors*

It's sure to be even more exciting than the traditional bouquet pull where everyone pulls at once,

so brides planning to do bouquet pulls might consider incorporating this method?♡

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