A Letter from the Bride to Her Parents: Should I Include a Disclaimer for Guests Before Reading It?
2018.11.17 published
Should You Inform Guests When Reading the Bride's Letter?
A way for the bride to express gratitude to her family during the wedding reception.
Many of you have likely heard the opening words to inform guests before reading the bride's letter.
it often goes something like, “I would like to take this opportunity to read a letter to my parents.”
The bride's letter is not meant as a message to the guests, but rather a letter addressed to her parents.
So why is it customary to inform the guests when reading the bride's letter?

Because the parents are the "hosts of the wedding"!
Ideally, a wedding is a place to showcase the bride and groom.
The bride and groom, along with their families, act as hosts to entertain their guests.
However, the bride's letter is not meant to entertain the guests; it is an internal gesture of gratitude towards her family.
Thus, reading a letter from the bride (the hosts) to her parents (also hosts) may be seen as disrespectful to the guests (though I don't think anyone truly believes that...).
Therefore, the bride may include an introductory remark to the guests before reading the letter.
Is it necessary to include a disclaimer?
However, if the bride does not include a disclaimer when reading her letter, will she be viewed as “rude and inconsiderate”?
Including a disclaimer for the guests is not an absolute rule of etiquette.
However, doing so can create a more courteous impression for the guests, so brides with many attendees may find it safer to include one.
Conversely, if the wedding is a casual gathering of friends and family, omitting the disclaimer and diving straight into the letter might be more moving.
Consider whether to include a disclaimer based on the wedding's style and the composition and age of the guests.

Examples of Guest Disclaimer
Next, here are some examples of disclaimers for the bride's letter to guests♩
Thank you for attending our wedding today. I would like to take this opportunity to read a letter to my parents.
Thank you for gathering here for us today. Please allow me a moment to read a letter of gratitude to my parents, who have raised me.
I truly appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend our reception today. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my parents through a letter addressed to them.
Let's Make It an Emotional Bride's Letter*
Whether to include a disclaimer when reading the bride's letter is entirely up to you; both options are fine. Choose based on the atmosphere of the reception.
Including a disclaimer creates a polite and respectful impression,
while omitting it allows the bride's letter to resonate more directly, often resulting in a more emotional impact.
Please consider the content of the letter and the impression on the guests when deciding whether to include it or not♩
➡ Click here for a list of articles on how to write the bride's letter, examples, and content*