Places in Japan with London-style Red Phone Booths That You’ll Want to Visit ♩

2019.01.24 published
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British Style ♡ Red Telephone Boxes Are Retro Chic*

In Japan, the proliferation of mobile phones has led to a decrease in public telephones,

but in London, England, there are still many【red telephone boxes】 scattered throughout the city*

However, it seems their numbers are declining, and now they are being equipped with chargers and AEDs,

or turned into Wi-Fi hotspots, in order to adapt to the times and keep them alive.

Such efforts are wonderful, but the red telephone boxes still have that retro charm and are very stylish♡

They’re iconic symbols of London that make you want to snap a photo as soon as you see one♩

Taking wedding photos like this is also something to aspire to♡

But going all the way to England is quite tough...!

So in this article, I investigated red telephone boxes in Japan*

Investigating Red Telephone Boxes in Japan ① Kobe

This one is located at the Uroko House in Kitano Ijinkan, Kobe*

The telephone inside has an adorable vintage design, so I want to take a photo pretending to make a call♡

It cannot actually be used for making calls.

Investigating Red Telephone Boxes in Japan ② Tokyo - Hiroo

There’s a red telephone box in Tokyo too♩ It’s near Tengenji, just outside Hiroo Station.

The gold lettering spelling "TELEPHONE" and the black frame give it a luxurious feel*

It can actually be used for making calls.

Places in Japan with London-style Red Phone Booths That You’ll Want to Visit ♩にて紹介している画像

Investigating Red Telephone Boxes in Japan ③ Yamaguchi

This is a red telephone box located in Hachigamine Comprehensive Park in Waki Town, Yamaguchi Prefecture*

The slightly faded red color gives a sense of nostalgia♡

It can really be used for making calls.

Investigating Red Telephone Boxes in Japan ④ Fukuoka

This uniquely shaped telephone box is located at the Moji Retro Museum in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture*

It boasts a lighthouse motif with a carefully crafted design♡

It can actually be used for making calls.

Investigating Red Telephone Boxes in Japan ⑤ Yamagata

The telephone box near Shinjo Station in Shinjo City, Yamagata Prefecture is also a retro red color♡

It is characterized by its slightly wider width.

It can really be used for making calls.

Investigating Red Telephone Boxes in Japan ⑥ Nikko

Lastly, this red telephone box is found in the garden of the Meiji-kan Cake Shop in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture*

Its somewhat worn appearance adds a lovely charm♩

It can really be used for making calls.

There are probably more! I want to find red telephone boxes*

I introduced red telephone boxes that resemble those in London, England, found in Japan*

They tend to be placed in areas associated with the UK or tourist spots in the countryside.

If you find a red telephone box in the future, please take beautiful photos to create wonderful memories♡

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