"New Café-Style Presentation of the Escort Cup: Perfect as a Welcome Drink!"

2019.01.08 published
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What Should I Choose for Escort Items? ♡

The performance of escort cards, which originated from overseas weddings. In Japan, it’s popular not only to stylishly inform guests of their table numbers using escort cards but also to prepare a little small gift.

And those escort items, not just escort cards, include:

☑ Boutonniere and wristlet

☑ Sunglasses

☑ Leather keychain

☑ Flowers

☑ Cookies or caramels

and a variety of other ideas.

If you’re going to incorporate the performance of escort cards, you’ll want to prepare wonderful escort items that will please your guests ♡

I found a perfect idea for brides who are thinking about some unique escort items...

First Time Seeing It! The Stylish and Wonderful 'Escort Cup' ♡

Here it is! The 'Escort Cup' with a sleeve placed over a takeout coffee cup!

The sleeve has an original sticker with the wedding date on it.

Guests will be surprised to see dozens of cups lined up in a row at the café.

Let’s introduce the charm of the escort cup!*

Unique Escort Item! The Charm of the Escort Cup ① A Glamorous Venue

The first charm of the escort cup is that it makes the entrance and welcome space of the wedding venue very glamorous.

The sight of matching cups lined up is breathtaking! It definitely draws guests' attention, making them wonder what it is.

Here is a bright red escort cup. The vibrant red can be clearly seen even from afar.

It’s just like a stylish café overseas! ♡

This bride has lined up escort cups on the table. Behind them are the welcome board and seating chart.

It looks just like a welcome space at an overseas wedding.

From the moment guests enter the venue, they can feel, "This wedding is different!"

Unique Escort Item! The Charm of the Escort Cup ② Freedom in the Contents

The contents placed inside the escort cups can vary from bride to bride. You can prepare empty escort cups and let guests freely pour and enjoy their welcome drinks,

or you can place a message card inside for a little surprise.

You could also put in some sweets ♡

This can create excitement for the guests ♩

Unique Escort Item! The Charm of the Escort Cup ③ Attention to Sleeve Design

A key point in designing escort cups is the sleeve that goes over the cup!

It’s standard to simply design the guest's name, wedding date, and table number on the sleeve.

Since directly printing on the sleeve is challenging, it’s recommended to use original stickers ♩

How about thinking of a design that matches the wedding theme or theme color?

It feels a bit exciting, like preparing to open a coffee shop! ♡

'Escort Cup' I Want to Try at My Wedding ♡

We introduced the charm of the newly unique escort item, the escort cup.

It's a perfect performance for couples who love cafés.

Brides who want to create a stylish performance that will be memorable for their guests should definitely give it a try! ♡

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