Francfranc Style♡ Daiso's "His & Hers" Wine Tumblers for 200 Yen are Chic♡

2019.01.23 published
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The Glasses Currently in Focus at Daiso*

100 Yen Shop Daiso*

Among brides and newlyweds, there is a pair item that is currently being talked about as a "must-buy"!

That is these glasses, “His” and “Hers” ♡

The official name of the product is Wine Tumbler (His & Hers).

Cute and Francfranc-style ♡

These glasses from Daiso are made of round, thin glass and feature the gold lettering “His” and “Hers” in the design.

They have a simple and easy-to-use appearance, and they are super cute, right? ♡

The vibe is a bit Francfranc-style ♩ It's amazing that such stylish cups with a sense of overseas interior design are available at such a low price!

It's Amazing That They Hold One Bottled Drink!

At first glance, these may look like ordinary small cups, but they actually hold an impressive capacity of 500ml!*

That means you can fit the same amount as one bottled drink.

It's great to be able to drink freely with them!*

Using these at home, especially with the wedding-related words, would surely bring a special and happy feeling! ♡

200 Yen Each* I Want to Go to Daiso!

Right now, the “His” and “Hers” wine tumblers are trending at Daiso!*

The price is 200 yen each. If you buy two, it’s 400 yen.

Buy one for your husband and one for yourself, and definitely use them in your everyday life! ♡

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