The Most Indulgent Person: Wedding Surprise Ideas to Dedicate to Grandma and Grandpa

2019.11.03 published
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Precious Grandparents ♡

When I was a child, they bought me sweets and toys, and sometimes spoiled me even more than my parents.

Grandparents, who wrap us in their big and gentle love, will always be an important presence in our lives.

I want to do something for my grandparents at the wedding*

For the grandparents to attend the wedding is truly a happy and honorable thing for the grandchildren, the bride and groom.

(It's often said that for grandparents, seeing their grandchildren on their wedding day gives them a sense of purpose in life...!)

Many would want to express their gratitude in a surprise way for coming all the way to celebrate today!

Here are some recommended ideas for surprises during the reception ♡

Surprise for Grandparents #1 Message Plate

A classic idea is to include individual messages on the dessert plate for the grandparents.

Since this won't involve coming up in front of everyone or being the center of attention, it will ease the stress for the grandparents♩

Messages like "Happy Birthday" or "Stay healthy forever" are recommended.

Surprise for Grandparents #2 Gifts on the Way to the Stage

A wonderful idea is to stop by the table where the grandparents are sitting during the reception and hand them a gift.

They will be surprised that you actually came to them!

Be sure to research in advance what they would be happy to receive by asking parents or others*

Surprise for Grandparents #3 Escort Role in the Ceremony

Assigning the grandparents as the escort during the stage exit is a heartwarming idea ♡

Guests watching will think, "They must be really close to their grandparents" and feel their hearts warm.

This sight will surely delight the parents of the bride and groom as well.

Surprise for Grandparents #4 Thank You Letter from the Bride

The climax of the reception, a letter from the bride*

Here, expressing gratitude not only towards parents but also towards grandparents is a lovely idea.

Just a brief mention will surely touch the hearts of the grandparents♩

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Surprise for Grandparents #5 Hometown-themed Favors

Small gifts handed to guests at the send-off of the reception.

While it's common to choose sweets from the region of origin, selecting items from the area where the grandparents live is also a recommended idea*

Conversations like "You liked this, right?!" can arise.

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For Grandparents ♡

I introduced some surprise ideas for grandparents at the wedding.

Ideas like message plates and surprise gifts are easy to prepare♩

Let's create a wedding where grandparents can enjoy and be happy too! ♡

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