"Funeral Songs in the U.S.? The Background of the Classic Wedding Tune 'Amazing Grace' Sparks Discussion on Twitter"
2019.03.17 published
Is There Discomfort with the Traditional Wedding Song "Amazing Grace"?
One of the elements to consider during wedding preparations is the BGM.
While couples can choose their favorite songs for the reception, many leave the choice of songs played during the ceremony or sung by the choir up to the venue.
Recently, a tweet has sparked interest regarding the choral piece often performed during ceremonies.
It discussed how someone from the U.S. was surprised to hear "AMAZING GRACE," a standard wedding song in Japan.
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"Amazing Grace" is a song that anyone has likely heard at least once.
Why is it that in America this song is better known as a funeral song?
And is it strange to sing it at a wedding?
This article explores the background of the hymn "Amazing Grace," which has been loved worldwide for over 200 years.
What Kind of Song is "AMAZING GRACE"?
"Amazing Grace" is a hymn written by British pastor John Newton.
It is especially beloved and frequently sung in the United States.
The term "Grace" refers to "God's grace" and "favor."
It is a beautiful song with a relaxed tempo that sings of God's grace.
The solemn melody echoing in the chapel during weddings and the transparent voices of the choir are truly captivating.
Is it True That it is Sung at Funerals in America?
While "Amazing Grace" is known as a wedding song in Japan...
As mentioned in the viral tweet, it seems to be heard more often at funerals and memorial services in America.
It is sung to reflect on how the deceased was sustained by God's grace and saved through the redemption of Jesus Christ's cross, calling them to the heavenly kingdom.

In 2015, during a funeral for nine African Americans shot in a church in Charleston, South Carolina, President Obama sang "Amazing Grace" during a eulogy.
This event evoked great emotion, leading the attendees to join in a chorus.
What are the Lyrics of "Amazing Grace"?
"Amazing Grace," often sung at weddings in Japan but frequently at farewell scenes in America—what are its lyrics?
Beginning with "Amazing grace! How sweet the sound…," the lyrics recount how the songwriter, John Newton, was saved by God's word and faith.
The content praises God's grace, seeming entirely appropriate for a wedding, but...
The reason Christians and foreigners may feel discomfort when hearing "AMAZING GRACE" at weddings might stem from its background.

The Songwriter John Newton Gained Wealth Through the Slave Trade
John Newton, the author of "Amazing Grace," became a pastor in his 30s, but prior to that, he gained wealth through the slave trade of transporting black slaves.
At the time, captured Africans were packed into ships like cargo, with many dying from malnutrition or infections before arriving at their destination.
Newton himself treated those he had captured in such a cruel manner as a matter of course.

A turning point in his life came when Newton's ship faced the danger of capsizing during a storm. He prayed sincerely to God for the first time, and miraculously, the ship was spared from sinking.
Following this event, Newton began reading the Bible and religious texts, starting to feel sympathy for black slaves.
Several years later, he left the ship, dedicated himself to study and generous donations, eventually becoming a pastor and creating "Amazing Grace."
The lyrics of "Amazing Grace" express regret for his involvement in the slave trade, as well as gratitude for God's love that offered forgiveness despite it.

There are various interpretations, but the sentiment of "past mistakes being forgiven and being led to heaven" embedded in the lyrics may lead Christians or foreigners to associate "AMAZING GRACE" with funerals.
Should it Not Be Played at Weddings?
The hymn "Amazing Grace" has been loved for over 200 years, with a dramatic historical background.
However, it remains a wonderful hymn that sings of God's grace.
If many guests are Christians or foreigners, it might be better to avoid it, but the lyrics themselves are not inappropriate for a wedding.
In fact, understanding the context of "Amazing Grace," some people interpret it as suitable for weddings because it signifies "overcoming past events and starting a new life."
Additionally, many guests likely feel a sense of wedding atmosphere from its beautiful tones and majestic melody.