A New Era Begins! Mickey and Minnie's Faces Have Changed Starting Today! Mixed Reactions on Twitter?!

2019.03.26 published
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Mickey makes a debut as the 【New Face】♡

The world's most popular character, Mickey♡

He's cool, cute, great at singing and dancing, in love with his girlfriend Minnie, and brings dreams and happiness to everyone,

a god-like figure in some sense*

We have shocking news related to Mickey's 【face】!

That is...

Starting from March 26, 2019, the day after the grand finale of Disneyland's 35th anniversary,

it has been announced that Mickey and Minnie have “changed their faces”.........!

The new face after the change is already called the 【New Face】 among fans,

and on social media, it's been trending with comments like “This one is cute too,” “But I’ll miss the old Mickey,” “I’m still getting used to it,” and more.

What exactly has changed...?

Here’s a comparison image*

On the left, you see the old Mickey and Minnie.

On the right, you see the newly updated Mickey and Minnie.

What do you think when you compare them? Can you spot the differences?

The old face looked like this*

First, the old Mickey and Minnie had faces that were used for a long period from 1993 to 2019,

And they are the designs most familiar to Japanese people*

The eyes are rounded, and the overall look is three-dimensional (with distinct cheeks and mouth).

Particularly with Minnie, it’s easy to spot that she wore purple eyeshadow* and had noticeable blush♩

The New Face looks like this*

On the other hand, the New Face features eyes that are thinner and longer vertically.

Additionally, Minnie does not wear eyeshadow...! This is a significant difference, right...!

Moreover, the cheeks and mouth appear chubbier, giving the whole face a simpler look.

At first glance, it has a more animated feel, which has led to it being called the “Animation Look”*

By the way, this New Face has been gradually introduced at Disney parks around the world over the past three years, with Japan being the last to implement the change.

The timeline is as follows:

- April 2016: New Face first unveiled and introduced at Shanghai Disneyland

- June 2016: New Face introduced at Florida Disney

- June 2016: New Face introduced at Paris Disney

- August 2016: New Face introduced at Aulani Disney in Hawaii

- September 2016: New Face introduced at Disneyland Anaheim

- January 2017: New Face introduced at Hong Kong Disney

Then, in the spring of 2019, during the Easter season, Mickey and Minnie faces were switched to the New Face in Japan.

We’ve gathered some voices from Twitter♩

On Twitter, fans expressed various (mixed) opinions regarding the introduction of the New Face.

First up,

“The New Face is cute♡”

Here are tweets from the <New Face supporters>.

“The New Face is a bit...”

Here are tweets from the traditional <Maihama Face supporters>.

“I don’t mind the New Face, but I miss the old face...”

This sentiment was echoed by many tweets*

“I love Mickey, no matter what he looks like!”

Here are a few tweets expressing this sentiment*

Calm tweets*

Hello New Face Mickey♡

Since spring of 2019, Mickey and Minnie’s faces have been updated in Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea.

Everyone has their own opinions, but Mickey will always be Mickey, and Minnie will always be Minnie*

When you visit the land of dreams in the future, pay attention to their faces as well.

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