Getting Married but Starting with Zero Money! Real Savings and Budgeting Tips from Newlywed Couples*
2024.01.24 published
Everyone, how are you saving money?
A consultation has arrived at marry*
After being proposed to, we are about to start preparing for our wedding.
Both of us are company employees, but we've both lived freely and our savings is truly zero.
Starting from now, as we register our marriage, live together, and plan for the wedding, honeymoon, moving, and raising children in our future, we definitely want to manage our finances properly from now on...
However, we have never saved or cut back before, so we have no idea how to do it.
I am curious about how newlywed couples or engaged couples in the world live their daily lives, spend, and save money.
I would be grateful if someone could share their【saving methods】and【saving rules】with us.
Here are the results of the survey we conducted at marry♡
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 1
We also registered our marriage with almost no savings 😂 (we registered the day before my husband became a working adult)
We are thorough in not making unnecessary purchases. Instead, for things we feel are necessary, we purchase them after considering their cost performance, even if they are somewhat expensive.
We buy groceries about 2 to 3 times a month, purchasing staple foods (meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, milk, condiments, etc.) and foods that are on sale.
We separate meat and fish into small portions and freeze them (including pre-seasoned freezing).
For vegetables, we think about different storage methods to make them last longer, such as cutting them and freezing them, or storing them with the tops cut off.
We buy daily necessities once every two months or so during discount periods.
If we increase our shopping trips, we often end up buying unnecessary items simply because they are on sale or we are tempted by new products, so we try to avoid that 😌
Also, while it is often recommended to visit nearby supermarkets to buy from the cheapest one, both my husband and I work, and our limited time is precious, so we don't really do that 🙅♀️
We weigh tangible amounts against the invisible costs of time and effort, and if we decide it’s not worth the extra time or effort, we go ahead and buy from our usual store even if there is some price difference 😊❣️
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 2
I started by writing down my daily expenditures! Not by category, but item by item.
I could see the purchases I made "just because" on my way home from work, as well as my expenditures during busy weeks compared to calmer ones, aside from hobby-related expenses!
After that, I created a budget-ranking list of things we absolutely need to buy by the time payday arrives (like cosmetics I’m about to run out of).
When I feel like I might overspend, I’m able to remind myself, “I need to save for that!” ✨
With these two methods, I've managed to escape from having almost zero balance every month 💪
Also, simple salary deduction savings schemes are a great recommendation as they allow for saving without wasteful spending! ✨
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 3
I started a joint savings account for both of us! I think I may have put some burden on him, but we promised to save together at a mutually manageable pace!
Each of us also had some personal savings, but thanks to our joint savings, we decided to use that for the necessities of our new life while keeping our individual savings mostly untouched 🙂
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 4
It’s a little embarrassing to say, but I tend to spend all the money I have, so I asked my husband to hold our bankbooks, cash cards, seals, and credit cards, and we worked on an allowance system for each other!
We regularly check the bankbooks together to review our savings. This hasn’t changed even after the wedding.
I discuss my desired purchases with my husband. I’ll inform him in advance about meals out and receive a temporary amount of money for those occasions (laughs).
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 5
We also had no wedding funds as we just started our second year as working adults.
Since getting engaged, we decided together to save 100,000 yen from the groom and 50,000 yen from the bride into the same account every month.
Apart from that, we were free to use our other funds, and we managed to save without much strain.
Since we had about a year from engagement to wedding, we surprisingly managed to save quite a bit. While it may not be a frugality technique, I think it was a good method 😊🌸
By the way, during bonus months, we saved more than usual, and used that savings for initial expenses like beds and moving for our new life 😊
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 6
Up until my wedding, I also had almost zero savings!
After dating for about three months, we began living together, and while we were saving a bit, it became rather casual and stalled midway 😂
Once I got proposed to and set the date for our wedding, I properly started saving!
We set specific amounts for savings from bonuses, food expenses, and established some household rules to help save.
However, I didn’t want to be strict with “saving, saving!” before we got married, so we also went on trips and took time to refresh ourselves ❤️
Thanks to this, we were able to go on our honeymoon to the Maldives, enjoying a wonderful time ❤️
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 7
Initially, we reduced our two cars to one and started sharing it as a couple.
We also freeze food to prevent spoilage and save on grocery costs 😊
Before moving in together, I was saving alone without forcing him, but after we started living together, we began saving together ☺
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 8
We also started from almost zero savings! The amount we save each month varies between us, but both of us are saving and working on frugality together!
Our saving rules are:
On payday, transfer the savings amount to a separate account to ensure savings!
Don’t make immediate decisions!
By thoroughly considering if something is really necessary before making a purchase, we’ve reduced unnecessary expenses!
Reduce dining out and eating out!
We try to enjoy relaxing at home, or our outings are limited to picnics or low-cost dates!
Check if the items we want can be found at a 100 yen shop!
With the amazing variety at 100 yen shops, we always check to see if what we want is available there!
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 9
Both my partner and I are close to zero savings. We focus on saving electricity and water!
We unplug the air conditioner during off-seasons. We use energy-saving plugs for phone chargers and Wi-Fi since we can just switch them off easily!
We try to shop when prices are low and make bulk meals to avoid unnecessary purchases!
We’re also trying to keep costs down for the wedding. However, if we think we have to save too strictly, we won’t be able to keep it up!
I just mimic my mother who has always been frugal!
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 10
He had zero savings!
He used to get all his suits dry-cleaned and bought drinks at convenience stores.
So, on weekends, I went to his place to iron his clothes and prepare brewed tea for him.
We also ordered food at home or cooked a bit ourselves to reduce dining out.
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 11
We decided together that we would set aside the minimum necessary from our salaries for living expenses and then save a fixed amount each month 😆
He opened a new account 🤔
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 12
I have a side job besides my main job. 🤣
Since I often have to attend work-related social events, I cover my drinking expenses with money earned from my side job.
Now that I’m more conscious of saving, I’ve also reduced how often I go out for drinks.
I mention this to him as a subtle way to hint that he should also save laugh
I also say, “Let’s save together before the wedding and honeymoon!” but I'm not sure if he’s conscious of it... 😭
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 13
We’ve been implementing saving rules since getting married.
☑ Reduce the amount of money each can freely spend
☑ Eat out only about once a month or keep it under 10,000 yen
This is what we’ve decided.
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 14
I am newlywed, currently saving for the wedding. Once we started thinking about marriage, we both began a savings plan through our companies.
It’s good that money cannot be withdrawn without the proper procedure, which has helped us save. So, I highly recommend saving plans!
Recently, I also started a household ledger to figure out how much money I spend on what, how much I need to manage my budget, and how much I can spend.
When I looked back at my ledger later, I realized I was spending too much on food, so I started going to cheaper supermarkets or asking family for potatoes, slowly cutting back.
I think I've been able to save more since deciding to get married gave me a goal to save for the wedding!
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 15
We do not dine out as much and cook for ourselves! When we do cook, we make meals that can last for two days!
We strictly follow turning off the lights when they are not in use!
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 16
Once our salaries come in, we prioritize savings!
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 17
While we were dating, we created a joint wallet where each of us contributed a fixed amount monthly. We used this money for leisure and meal costs during dates♪
We also kept a piggy bank in the car, filling it with 500 yen coins, and once it filled up, we would go on trips that we could afford with that much and save the rest!
As part of our dates, we would attend bridal fairs to ask about budgets and plan for the future while enjoying a meal there (laughs).
Thanks to that, he became motivated to save, and we supported each other!
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 18
After getting married and starting to live together, we both had zero savings 🙄.
First, I manage the bank book and set aside the minimum monthly food and living expenses to budget, while we save the remainder.
Also, by sending photos of our growing savings balance, we both encouraged each other to keep up the good work for the following month!
【Newlywed】Saving methods and experience of frugality 19
When I began preparing for the wedding, I too had almost zero savings.
My partner was studying for a national exam and didn’t work before our marriage was set. He proposed right after he secured a job.
Before his next employment started, I managed on my salary alone. I thought we would have it easier once we both worked, but it’s back to a frugal lifestyle for wedding savings.
First, we itemized our monthly necessary expenses (bills, transport, etc., outside of grocery costs).
Next, we set strict budgets for what we could freely spend (our "allowances"). Here, we cut back quite a bit.
Finally, we set budgets for food and miscellaneous expenses. Miscellaneous included cleaning and shopping at drugstores. Any leftover was rolled over to the next month.
We managed to save significantly on food costs by making meals in advance and packing bento boxes.
We set up a joint account to which we both contributed our necessary expenses and allowances, taking living expenses from that, and saving anything left over.
In one year, we managed to save approximately 1.5 million yen.
Visualizing money is important!
We've shared all the responses from the survey conducted at marry*
Money can become a complete black box if not properly managed; “I don’t really understand why I can’t save money” or “I feel like I have savings, but I have no idea how much” is very common.
Surprisingly, not many people can say they understand 100% how much they are spending and how much they currently have every month, week, or day!
If there is plenty of money or breathing room, life might go on without problem; however, if you say, “I need to save XX yen by this date!” or “I am often short on money!” then fine management becomes necessary, which can be quite challenging for those who are not good at it.....!
(I personally struggle a lot.)
However, how money is spent, how savings are made, whether or not to save ultimately comes down to lifestyle choices.
I want to share the goals, ideals, and realities of living with my husband and daily strive to achieve those ideals together!!!
➡ It’s convenient to manage your couple’s finances with the app “OsidOri”♡
If you want to consult about insurance**
Many people may wish to say, “I’d like to consult about insurance, but I don’t know who to ask.”
Therefore, we recommend a financial planner, Takahashi, who specializes in newlywed couples.
Takahashi worked as a planner at a wedding venue for 11 years and now provides life planning services to wedding venues.
He offers specialized advice on unique concerns for newlyweds (like money management or pregnancy and childbirth), providing reassurance ♡
If you're unsure about taking on insurance or investment trusts, it’s worth consulting Takahashi!
➡【LINE】Contact a financial planner specializing in wedding timings*
➡ For more detailed articles by financial planners, click here♡
➡ Check out all articles on money and savings here*