"From Scratch: Key Points to Consider When Ordering a Great Profile Movie ❤️"
2019.06.18 published
提供:Wedding movie chouchou
It's my first time making a movie. I want to know some tips!
A profile movie is essential for a wedding reception.
It's an important way to condense our lives so that many guests can get to know us.
It's definitely one of the items you want to focus on while preparing for your wedding.
However, making our own profile movie is a first-time experience for everyone.
Even though we can see other people's profile movies online, it feels unlikely that we can prepare the ideal movie just by doing that...
What we want to know is the know-how for ordering or creating a profile movie!

We asked "Wedding Movie Chou Chou" ♡
So this time!
We asked a professional who has worked on over 10,000 wedding movies for tips on making a profile movie ♡
The one who answered is from the popular wedding movie production company "Wedding Movie Chou Chou" ♩
It’s known among brides for its stylish and cute modern designs.
➡ Check out Wedding Movie Chou Chou's HP here*

What we learned includes:
☑ How to choose a movie template
☑ Appropriate length for the movie
☑ What kind of composition is best
☑ Points for selecting photos
☑ Points for considering comments
☑ Tips for choosing BGM
They say that movies which make guests feel "wonderful" must capture these important points properly.
It's a waste not to prepare a movie for the reception, born from the know-how!
Let's share the points we were taught right away ♡

Tips for making a profile movie① How to choose the movie design
The first thing to consider when making a profile movie is "what kind of appearance the movie will have."
The key here is to clearly determine how you want the guests to feel when they see the profile movie.
The design of the movie will create the atmosphere of the movie.
☑ I want to touch their hearts
☑ I want to be seen as stylish
☑ I want to get bright laughs
☑ I want to surprise them with a unique idea
Once you decide the direction you want to aim for, it naturally narrows down your choices for the movie.
Conversely, if you choose the movie without making this decision, it may end up floating from the atmosphere of the reception or be unsatisfactory and lackluster.
For example, the "Vignette" template is a heartwarming movie with hand-drawn illustrations. The story of the illustrations links with the photos and comments, deeply moving the guests.
If you want to prioritize elegance throughout the reception, just choose a movie that looks good to you.
Wedding Movie Chou Chou's "Minimal" is said to be very popular due to its simple appearance.
Even if the photos themselves aren’t stylish, the design is made so that it doesn’t look cluttered or feel lived-in.
If you want to surprise your guests, although it’s challenging, you want to prepare a movie with ideas they’ve never seen before.
"Hello!" incorporates the idea of "time-slip photos," showing photos of the same poses taken in the past and present, which will surely surprise the guests who see it for the first time*
In this way, even if the photos and comments are the same, the atmosphere can change greatly with the design of the movie.
Whether you order it or make it yourself, take your time to think about "how you want guests to feel when they see the profile movie" before choosing a design.
Tips for making a profile movie② Appropriate length of the movie
A concern when preparing a profile movie is its length.
When making it yourself, you can adjust the length, and for ordered films, it tends to get longer with each additional photo.
The typical length for a profile movie is 5 to 7 minutes.
If it’s 8 to 10 minutes, it leaves an impression of "substantial," but beyond that, guests may find it boring unless the composition is well thought out.
The recommended time to display each photo is about 6 to 10 seconds, depending on the length of the comments.
Since you get used to it by watching it repeatedly, it may feel too slow to you. However, first-time guests will likely find it just right.

Tips for making a profile movie③ What kind of composition is best
The general composition of a profile movie is:
☑ Title
☑ Opening greeting
☑ Groom's upbringing
☑ Bride's upbringing
☑ Meeting and current status of the couple
☑ Closing greeting
Guests are familiar with this structure, so it's recommended to keep the main flow unchanged and be creative with the title and greetings.
For example, the "Life on Earth" movie expresses the journey that led the couple to marriage under the title "The Miracle of Meeting," before entering the groom's upbringing section ♡
➡ More about Life on Earth here*
Tips for making a profile movie④ Points for selecting photos
One of the main components of a profile movie is the photos. Choosing just a few dozen photos from a mountain of pictures can be a daunting task.
When selecting photos, be mindful of:
☑ Close-up shots where faces are clearly visible
☑ Photos that gradually show the process of growth (not skipping ages abruptly)
☑ Photos with family and guests in them
Avoid distant scenery photos or pictures with large groups.
Even if the scenery is beautiful or the photo is special to you, guests prefer to see clear faces of the bride and groom.
Also, avoid showing multiple photos from the same age or jumping across ages abruptly. Choose the best shots by age.

Photos from the couple's meeting to the present are mostly data taken with digital cameras or smartphones, but old paper photos may often be dark or unclear.
If you're concerned about the consistency of the photos, choose a movie production company that also does photo editing.
At "Wedding Movie Chou Chou," there are profile movies that allow you to choose from four types of photo editing filters ♡
Since editing images yourself may degrade their quality, it’s easy and reassuring to leave it to someone else ♡
Tips for making a profile movie⑤ Points for considering comments
After selecting the photos, the next step is to write comments. These comments will determine whether guests can immerse themselves in the world of the profile movie.
A common mistake is to simply explain the situation in the photos. (Example: "I entered ○○ Elementary School" under a photo of the entrance ceremony.)
Instead of stating what can be inferred from the photo,
"I often forgot my backpack and went home"
"I was a mischievous child who immediately went out to play after school"
Incorporating extra information captures the essence of the couple during those times and deepens the guests' emotions ♡

Also, remember to unify whether to use "desu/masu" form or "da/de aru" form.
It's recommended to refine comments by reviewing them multiple times before submitting or editing.
You might come up with better expressions or phrases if you think about them again another day.
Tips for making a profile movie⑥ Tips for choosing BGM
In profile movies, it’s standard to change the BGM for each part.
The best choice for BGM is your favorite music, but make sure to confirm whether the lyrics are appropriate for a wedding before using any song.
Even bright and pop Western songs can be about heartbreak or infidelity, so be careful.
Additionally, it's necessary to check in advance whether the desired song is registered with ISUM (the Incorporated Association for Promoting Specific Uses of Music).
While you can apply for songs not registered, approval may take about a month, so there could be cases where you won’t make it in time for the wedding...
Remember to check these simultaneously with selecting the movie*

Let's create a wonderful profile movie!
We shared the tips for creating a profile movie taught by "Wedding Movie Chou Chou" ♡
If you proceed without much thought, you won't get the ideal movie.
Be sure to keep these tips in mind as you choose your movie ♡
The profile movies we introduced from "Wedding Movie Chou Chou" can be ordered starting from around 30,000 yen, so brides who are interested should check them out ♡
➡ Check out the list of profile movies from Wedding Movie Chou Chou here*
➡ Check out Wedding Movie Chou Chou's HP here*