Budget of 1,000 to 2,000 Yen! The Perfect Gift for a No-Favors Wedding is a "Slightly Luxurious Small Gift + Tote"!

2019.05.06 published

What to Do with Gifts for a Membership Fee 1.5 After Party?

The 1.5 after party held between the wedding ceremony and the second party often operates on a membership fee basis rather than giving cash gifts.

Depending on the region, the average membership fee ranges around 10,000 to 20,000 yen, which is less than the typical cash gift of 30,000 yen.

As a result, membership fee weddings and 1.5 after parties typically do not provide "gift items."

Gift items like souvenirs, confections, and lucky charms are usually prepared within a budget of around 5,000 yen, so there are no costs for these.


Even though it's a membership fee system or a 1.5 after party, many brides feel a bit uneasy about not giving any gifts to the guests who attended.

They want to offer a bit more hospitality than just handing out small gifts when saying goodbye.

For those interested, here’s a recommended idea!

Mini Tote Bag with Luxurious Small Gifts for Hospitality ♡

What’s recommended for membership fee weddings or 1.5 after parties is,

"Giving an original mini tote bag filled with a bit more luxurious small gifts!"

Instead of formal gifts like souvenirs and lucky charms, choose your favorite snacks or honeymoon souvenirs for a budget of 1,000 to 2,000 yen.

One bride prepared original tote bags with 'Number Sugar' caramel and chocolates from Paris to give to her guests.

It feels like a chic lucky bag, doesn’t it? ♡

Original Mini Tote Bags are Surprisingly Affordable? ♡

You might think creating custom mini tote bags along with small gifts over 1,000 yen would be quite expensive...

However, you can order original print mini tote bags from printing companies for around 300 yen each.

If you go for plain ones, they can be even cheaper, and by using stamps instead of printing, you can save even more.

It turns out you can prepare them quite reasonably.

It’s recommended to use a unisex, simple design that doesn’t have the names of the couple for ease of everyday use.

Paper bags can also be stylish instead of mini totes ♡

If there are no gift items, it would be kind to have small totes or paper bags for carrying profile books or small gifts home.

What Small Gifts are Recommended?

Small gifts to put in the tote bags can be searched for around 1,000 yen, which combined with the mini tote can keep the total under 2,000 yen per person.

Recommended snacks include treats from trendy shops or well-known brands! ♡

Number Sugar, a popular shop known for handmade caramels, has an "8pieces box" of assorted caramels for 850 yen (excluding tax).

They come in a stylish package with a single rose design.

Pairing these with coffee or tea priced at 100 to 200 yen each could be nice too.

The cookies from the Nordic brand "Fika" come in colorful, charmingly illustrated boxes.

"Hallongrotta" are round cookies with jam in the center.

The price is 1,000 yen (excluding tax).

Choosing local treats that can only be found in your area is also wonderful.

This bride gifted delicious local treats along with coffee from Okinawa and local coffee.

Gifts that are related to the couple bring a deeper connection! ♡

Personalized handkerchiefs are also a good recommendation! At "LADIES and GENTLEMEN," you can order guests' handkerchiefs starting from 1,000 yen.

It would be delightful to find a handkerchief with their name embroidered inside the original mini tote!

They might appreciate it even more than a typical gift item!?

Let’s Prepare Mini Tote Bags with Luxurious Small Gifts!

We introduced the idea of `mini tote bags with luxurious small gifts` for couples planning a membership fee 1.5 after party.

It's a happy hospitality that brings out guests' excited expressions and the words "I’m so happy!"

Why not step up from ordinary small gifts and prepare a slightly luxurious present? ♩

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