Kuma-chan Goes Boom! The Plush Bouquet from an Overseas Flower Shop is Too Cute to Handle!

2019.05.15 published
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I want this plush bouquet....!

I found an incredibly cute and soothing bouquet on an overseas flower shop's Instagram.

This is the plush bouquet.

The bear is sitting prominently in the bouquet, making it incredibly eye-catching.

In the past, popular plush bouquets often featured smaller plush characters like Hello Kitty or bears, but the size of the plush in this bouquet is completely different!

It's not small at all; it's a regular size.

It has a similar feel to the standard sizes of Duffy or ShellieMay!♡

Products from an Indonesian flower shop ♡

This teddy bear bouquet is from "Blurette Flower Shop," located in Jabodetabek (around Jakarta) in Indonesia.

☑ A bouquet for a memorable anniversary

☑ A bouquet for celebrating a birth

☑ A congratulatory message for a wedding

There are plenty of opportunities to give or receive such a lovely gift!

I would love to receive such a cute bouquet at least once.

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