A Romance Movie Unfolds: Cartier Weaves a Beautiful Love Story Set in the City of Flowers, Paris♡
2015.04.22 published
Cartier's Creation! A Dramatic Love Story ♡
Set against the backdrop of the flower city of Paris, which overlooks the Eiffel Tower, Cartier has turned a story about a surprise proposal in a museum into a short movie that has garnered much acclaim for its beauty ♡
What is the Engagement Ring Featured in the Movie?
The ring he gave during the proposal is Cartier's engagement ring named "Solitair Cartier Destinée." A large diamond shines brilliantly, surrounded by smaller diamonds that elegantly frame the band *
There is also a promotional movie for this engagement ring ♡ It beautifully showcases the entire silhouette, sparkling and truly beautiful ♡ The silhouette from the side reveals the main diamond in a three-dimensional and gorgeous way *
Let's Watch "THE PROPOSAL" ♡
The movie depicting the couple's proposal, Cartier's "THE PROPOSAL," was directed by Sean Ellis from the UK, who has experience with Academy Award nominations *
Let’s watch the promotional video for "Solitair Cartier Destinée" set in the museums of Paris ♡ You’re sure to be thrilled by the dramatic developments!