The Key to Writing Place Card Messages: Choosing a Theme Makes It Easy!

2019.05.28 published
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I don't know what to write on the place card message...

Place card messages have become a standard hospitality feature at weddings*

When I attend a wedding reception, I can't help but check the back or inside of the place card wondering, “Is there a message? I hope there is!”


For the bride and groom, writing messages for all the guests can be really challenging...!

While many women enjoy writing messages and don’t find it burdensome,

for men, it’s often the first time they have to write a letter to relatives and friends...

So, if you just start off randomly thinking, “Well, let’s write something about my colleagues,”

- You might not know what to write and get stuck quickly

- Everyone's messages might end up sounding the same

- Some messages might be too long while others too short

These are some issues that can arise, leading to feelings of guilt towards the guests and just making it a challenging task...

It’s easier if you decide on a theme♩


One recommendation is to decide on a [theme for the content of the place card message].

By deciding on a theme in advance, it allows for writing in a Q&A format, making it much easier to write smoothly for anyone♩

The length of the message won’t vary drastically from person to person,

and most importantly, it won't sound like a template; you can convey your thoughts and feelings to the recipient, which is a delightful point.

What themes are good?

Here are some recommended themes*

- The guest's first impression

- The best memory with that person

- What you would like to do with that person in the future (like having drinks, traveling, lunch, etc.)

By choosing a few, the content will become much richer♩

Place card messages are better with a theme*

One of the ways to delight your guests at a wedding is through place card messages.

Writing messages for dozens of guests from scratch and on the fly can be tough, but

if you decide on a theme and develop the content in a question format before you write, you can ensure that each message is different without getting stuck, which is wonderful*

So give it a try!

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