Scary but Intriguing...! Shiseido's Amazing Free App that Measures Your Skin Age in Just 3 Minutes!

2019.06.01 published
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Scary but Want to Know "Skin Age"

Have you ever checked your own "skin age"?

You often see events where they say “You can measure your skin age!” but,

It can be scary to think about getting a result that’s higher than your actual age, and many people probably feel embarrassed about checking their skin age in front of others...!


Skin age is one of the indicators that can serve as a chance to rethink about your skin and beauty care.

☑ Am I really to have nice skin?

☑ Am I younger compared to my actual age or not?

☑ Then, what should I take care of?

Knowing your skin age can help you understand your current situation and plan for future actions. It’s especially important for brides who have a wedding coming up and are becoming more beauty-conscious♡

Scary but Intriguing...! Shiseido's Amazing Free App that Measures Your Skin Age in Just 3 Minutes!にて紹介している画像

Discover Your Skin Age in 3 Minutes! Shiseido's 【Hada Pasha】 is Amazing*

So, I highly recommend trying this app♡

It’s Shiseido’s 【Hada Pasha】*

With Hada Pasha, you just need to register your name, date of birth, and the prefecture you live in at the beginning,

and then simply take photos with your smartphone as directed. The app analyzes the texture, pores, and other characteristics of your skin, measuring your skin age.

The time required is just 3 minutes from registration!

And it’s completely free.

It’s said to be the first of its kind as a smartphone app, and has been highly praised especially by beauty enthusiasts, saying “This is amazing!” and “I measure it daily and work on my care!”♡

The fact that you can do it alone at home is a secretly delightful point.

What Else Can You Know Besides Skin Age?

Besides skin age, the app also tells you about your skin's moisture level, oil content, and whether pores are noticeable, etc.♩

Let's Discover Skin Age with 【Hada Pasha】!

Shiseido's 【Hada Pasha】 is an amazing beauty app that can measure your skin age just by taking a photo of your skin*

There shouldn’t be any women who aren't concerned about their skin age!

Please do install it and give it a try♩

➡〔iPhone only〕Install Hada Pasha from here*

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