"Natural Stones at Your Fingertips: The Mystical Beauty of Agate Nails"

2019.06.04 published
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Recently Very Popular. Agate.

Agate is very popular these days, isn’t it? Agate is the English term. In Japanese, it is called 瑪瑙 (manō).

Since it is a natural stone, it used to be sold as necklaces or bracelets in power stone shops, but recently sliced pieces have become available, and they are now being used for place cards, coasters, and ring pillows♡

It's Also a Nail Design♡

Agate has recently entered the nail art genre....!

Amazing agate-patterned nail art has started to appear.

The "layers" are represented so faithfully....!!

Nail stickers are also said to be on sale.

In this article, I’ll introduce "agate nails" art found on Instagram*

Originally a natural stone, when applied to nails, it might bring some (artistic) power♩

Agate Nail Designs*


The purple and white striped pattern looks authentic. This nail art could easily be mistaken for agate itself.

The gold outlines are stylish.


Agate nail art pairs perfectly with brown shells or mirror nails.


A white-themed agate nail♡ The combination with turquoise is also cute♡


All five nails are agate nails. It looks like "瑪瑙" has turned into nails, which is amazing*


White and brown mixed agate nails*


Calm-colored agate nails*


Nail art featuring agate nail decals* Bright, colorful designs are also possible♩


When doing agate nails, it’s recommended to have other nails in a marble or marble-like design♡


Piling on shell flakes and coating them with clear gel makes them sparkle like the cross-section of a crystal.


A design featuring white agate* The gold border is stylish♡


These are nail stickers. They allow you to easily create agate art and will be handy for self-nails.


A blue agate design. The silver glitter sparkles beautifully*


Using red agate nails as an accent*

Amazing* I’m Captivated by Agate Nail Art.

The agate nails are truly captivating, making you think, “It's amazing that art like this can be done!”

If you love that mystical striped pattern, please give it a try♡

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