Order Early for Savings! Little-Known Tips for Saving Money on Movie Rentals
2019.07.20 published
提供:wedding movie chouchou
Wedding Movies That Tend to Be Put Off Until Later
The Essential Wedding Movie Presentation for Your Wedding Reception.
☑ Opening Movie
☑ Profile Movie
☑ Ending Movie
These three types have become the standard at modern wedding receptions.♡
Given the already busy wedding preparation period, especially the more challenging movie-related preparations tend to be put off.

It seems that many brides finally begin their search for a company to place orders or consider DIY software about two months before the wedding.
Some have experiences like “I hadn’t finished it until a week before” or “I pulled an all-nighter making the movie”...!
In Fact, It Can Save Money! Movies Should Be Prepared Well in Advance
You want to avoid spending a lot of time preparing movies during the busy last-minute period.
In addition to having time and mental space, there are reasons for preparing the movie early.
This is because the costs of wedding movies change depending on the [timing of your order] and [how you order them]!!
(And the size of the difference can be quite significant…!)
➡ Recommended Places to Order Your Movie♡

Instead of focusing on DIYing small items to save a few thousand yen, it may be much more economical to order your movie wisely.
In this article, we will introduce points that can save you money when ordering a movie!
How to Save on Your Movie Point 1: The Timing of Your Order
When ordering a movie from the wedding venue, regardless of when you apply, the budget will be around 100,000 yen or so…
However, if you search for a movie production company on your own and place the order,
☑ Early Discount
☑ Rush Fee
Pay attention to these!
The early discount is a discount offered to couples who order their movie early.♡
You get a discount from the regular price for applying early!

For example… The movie production company 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou,' popular among brides.
Stylish movies can be ordered starting from around 20,000 yen each, and there are additional savings by meeting early discount conditions.♡
☑ Application by 150 days before the reception ➡ 5,000 yen OFF
☑ Application by 120 days before the reception ➡ 4,000 yen OFF
☑ Application by 85 days before the reception ➡ 3,000 yen OFF
➡ Visit 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou' Website Here♡

One of the top-ranking profile movies at 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou', 'Colors', which allows you to choose a theme color.
The regular price is 39,800 yen (excluding tax), but using the early discount will reduce it to 34,800 yen (excluding tax)♡
It's wonderful to get such a discount without changing the quality, especially for brides trying to save money.
➡ More Details on Profile Movie 'Colors' Here
➡ 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou' Profile List Here♡
Conversely, when ordering at the last minute, say within 1-2 months before the wedding, a rush fee is generally charged.
This means that couples who start preparing their movies earlier and decide on their orders save more money.
It's such a waste to start frantically researching 1-2 months before the wedding…!
How to Save on Your Movie Point 2: What and Which Company to Order From
The classic movies played during the reception are:
☑ Opening Movie
☑ Profile Movie
☑ Ending Movie
You can order each type from different movie production companies, but it’s definitely more economical to [order from the same company].
This is because ordering multiple movies often comes with discounts, known as package deals.♡

In the case of 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou,' movies start from around 20,000 yen each, but they also offer:
☑ 10,000 yen OFF for 50,000 yen or more
☑ 20,000 yen OFF for 70,000 yen or more
This is a package discount.
If you order two movies, you'll save 10,000 yen, and if you order three, you'll save 20,000 yen!
Isn’t that an incredible deal…!?

For example, if you order the previously mentioned profile movie 'Colors' along with a chic concept movie inspired by a beach resort named 'Beach'.
The regular price for both would be 59,600 yen (excluding tax), but with the 10,000 yen discount, it’s 49,600 yen (excluding tax).
➡ More Details on Concept Movie 'Beach' Here♡
➡ 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou' Opening List Here♡
Furthermore, if you add the ending movie to make a set of three orders, you can apply a 20,000 yen discount, bringing the total price to 79,400 yen (excluding tax)~.
This is roughly equivalent to a 20% discount off the regular price, so it feels like a good deal.
➡ More Details on Ending Movie 'Vignette' Here♡
➡ 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou' Ending List Here♡
If you're planning to show multiple movies, we highly recommend taking advantage of the package discount, which can save you tens of thousands of yen just by ordering them together.
Aside from the savings, ordering from the same company ensures that the atmosphere and quality of the movies are consistent, which is a win-win situation.◎

By the way, you can combine early discounts and package discounts at 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou,' so if you order three movies early, you could save up to 25,000 yen!
How to Save on Your Movie Point 3: Unique Discounts and Campaigns
Additionally, it’s worthwhile to check for unique discounts or campaigns offered by the movie production company.
Beyond early and package discounts, see if there are any unique campaigns being run to make the most of them.*
At 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou,' you can receive a 3,000 yen Quo card by sharing a post of your movie from the official Chou-Chou Facebook account.
Many brides post their movies on Facebook for friends to see after the wedding.
Receiving a Quo card for doing that feels like a little bonus.

Smart Saving Through Movie Orders♡
We introduced some surprisingly unknown ways to save on custom movies.
Instead of putting off preparation until the last minute and ending up stressed, it’s best to start researching early and order smartly.◎
This should allow you to have a stress-free pre-wedding period that’s easy on the heart and wallet!♡

For those starting to look for a movie, check out 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou's website!♡
➡ Visit 'Wedding Movie Chou-Chou' Website Here♡