Oh no, it seems I've lost the invitation! What should I do?
2019.08.03 published
Oh no!! I lost my invitation.
Wedding invitations usually arrive at your home about 2 to 3 months before the event.
Since there is some time left,
"I thought I still had time, and now I forgot where I put the invitation."
"I've searched all over the house, but I can't find it, so maybe I accidentally threw it away..."
"I lost it while tidying up or moving."
"I had it on the table, but spilled coffee on it and it got so dirty I can’t even see it..."
Such mishaps can occasionally happen.*
What should you check first?
If you've lost your wedding invitation, the first thing to check is whether you have already sent back the RSVP card.*
If you have already sent your RSVP (if it was sent), there’s no particular problem, and you don’t need to inform the bride and groom or the receptionist on the day.
However, if you don’t have the invitation, you won’t know the details of the venue or time...!!
In that case, here are three options you can take:*
① Ask friends or colleagues who are also guests (this seems to be the best option!)
② If you know the venue, call the location and inquire.
③ If you don’t know any of the other guests' contact information, you could explain your situation to the bride and groom, apologize, and directly ask for the details.
(This should be avoided as it's quite rude.)
That's it!
For those who lost their RSVP card too ><
If you’ve completely lost the entire invitation set without sending back your RSVP card... oh no... you need to contact the bride and groom directly.
First, apologize sincerely via email or phone for losing the invitation due to your mistake, and check the venue and time while you’re at it.
After that, it’s okay to send your RSVP on a plain postcard.*
(If you've clearly soiled the RSVP card, you should prepare a card yourself.)
On the postcard, you should write:
① Your RSVP
② Your name
③ Your address
④ Any allergies
⑤ A congratulatory message
⑥ An explanation and apology for not using the enclosed RSVP card.
Do this as soon as possible!
Stay calm even if you lose your invitation.*
I have explained how to handle the situation if you lose, throw away, or dirty your invitation.
Try not to panic too much; if you need to speak directly to the bride and groom, make sure to express your sincere apologies for the trouble.
I always take a photo of the details of the venue and time just in case I ever lose the invitation.
(I encourage everyone to do the same!)