A Hidden Gem for Pre-Wedding Photos: The Luxurious Pink Fusuma Paintings of "Zuishin-in" in Kyoto that Everyone Still Doesn't Know About!

2019.08.25 published
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Recommended places for pre-wedding photos in Kyoto ♩

Luxurious, gorgeous, and historical ♡

There's a wonderful place recommended for traditional Japanese attire pre-wedding photos ♩

The temple "Zuishinin" located in Kyoto.

The fusuma-e (sliding door paintings) here are said to be very beautiful ♡

The life of Ono no Komachi is depicted *

The fusuma-e "Gokusaishiki Ume ni Oko no Komachi Ezu" features vibrant pink colors ♡

It depicts the life of Ono no Komachi, one of the six poets of the Heian period.

You may know her from the famous "The color of the flowers has faded away in vain, while I spend my days gazing at them" from the Hyakunin Isshu ♩

Although much about the details of her life remains a mystery, she is said to have been an unparalleled beauty...

But why is there a painting of Ono no Komachi...?

The answer is that this location in Yamashina-ku, Ono, is where the Ono clan flourished.

Historical sites related to Ono no Komachi are still preserved, making it a "temple connected to Ono no Komachi."

The fusuma-e consists of four paintings, telling a story from her birth, to serving in the palace, living in Zuishinin, and traveling across the country,

almost like an illustrated scroll *

It’s a powerful, modern art-style fusuma-e that gives a glimpse into the beautiful culture of the Heian period ♡

It is said to have been painted by an artist called Daruma Shoten.

The ema (votive tablets) are cute *

The ema of Zuishinin features designs inspired by Ono no Komachi *

It’s also known as a famous plum blossom spot, so the plum motif is cute as well ♡

A place to visit for pre-wedding photos or a date *

You can also take pre-wedding photos at Zuishinin in Kyoto.

Taking photos in front of the paintings of Ono no Komachi will leave you with stunning traditional wedding photos ♡

Of course, visiting for a date is wonderful too *

Be sure to visit at least once ♩

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