"DIY Wedding: The Trend of Adding Gold Glitter to Feather Shower Petals"

2019.09.22 published
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It’s trending to paint glitter on feather shower feathers*

One of the ceremonial performances, the feather shower.

The fluffy feathers are much lighter than petals or ribbons, allowing them to float in the air for a longer time.

It's such a lovely performance, isn't it?♡

Recently, it seems that painting “gold glitter on the feathers” is in style for feather showers.

Here’s what it looks like.

While the pure white feathers give off a clean vibe, the design with glitter painted on certain parts looks so beautiful and sparkly.♡

How do they apply the glitter?

The most common method shared by brides is to use nail polish to apply glitter.

However, some brides mentioned that it can take a long time to dry and the strong smell of the solvent can be quite challenging…

So, if you’re using nail polish, it’s a good idea to apply it in the morning and let it air dry in the sun to prevent it from blowing away.♩

Mixing silver with gold is also recommended.

Another method is to use glitter glue sold at Daiso and apply it with a brush.

Unlike nail polish, this method has no smell and dries quickly, which is a big advantage.♩

Consider which method might work best for you.

Is adding glitter to feather showers becoming the norm!?

For the wedding performance of feather showers, applying gold glitter to the feathers is becoming a standard DIY!♡

While each feather may only have glitter applied in certain areas, when gathered together, they create a stunning sparkle.♡

Since feathers also have a long hang time, they’re likely to look beautiful in photos too!

Brides planning to do a feather shower should definitely consider the DIY of applying gold glitter!♩

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