Today is Teddy Bears Day ♡ A Feature on the World's Cutest Plush Bear Brands
2019.10.27 published
October 27 is Teddy Bears' Day ♡
Every year on October 27, we celebrate 【Teddy Bears' Day】 ♡
Teddy Bears' Day was established in 1988 by the Japan Teddy Bear Association. It is a day to commemorate teddy bears ♡
But why is October 27 Teddy Bear Day....??
It's the birthday of the President who saved a bear cub*
Do you know the origin of the name "teddy bear"?
The origin is...
On one particular day while hunting, the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt (serving from 1901 to 1909), encountered a bear cub in a dying state.
Instead of treating it as a prime target, President Roosevelt rescued it, stating, "Shooting a weakened bear cub goes against the spirit of sportsmanship."
A reporter who witnessed this published it in the Washington Post, creating a significant reaction in America at the time...!!
Inspired by this event, a candy store owner made a teddy bear and named it "Teddy Bear," deriving from Roosevelt's nickname "Teddy," and sold it.
It's wonderful to think that this well-known teddy bear has such a story behind it...!
And so, October 27, Roosevelt's birthday, was designated as Teddy Bears' Day**
By the way, President Roosevelt mediated the ceasefire in the Russo-Japanese War that occurred in 1904 and facilitated the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth between the two nations.
For this achievement, he became the first American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize and has strong ties with Japan.
Spread "Thinking of you" through teddy bears ♩
Teddy Bears' Day, established in honor of President Roosevelt, encourages us to
② Recall the president's kindheartedness and compassion which saved the bear cub, and
② Spread and convey "Thinking of you" to family, lovers, and friends through teddy bears!
This is the essence of this commemorative day ♡
Many people likely have memories associated with their favorite teddy bear from childhood, whether they received one as a gift or displayed one as a welcome doll at their wedding...
For those who were unaware of this commemorative day, it might be nice to celebrate Teddy Bears' Day consciously on October 27 from now on ♩
Here are some teddy bear brands you might want to give or receive on Teddy Bears' Day ♡
Teddy Bear Brand ① Steiff
Steiff is the original teddy bear brand established in Germany in 1880 ♡ It is arguably the most globally recognized brand.
Steiff plush toys are characterized by a button-in-ear and a tag on the left ear. This is their trademark ♡
They distinguish between standard and limited items based on color and design, representing each item's rarity.
Teddy Bear Brand ② Merrythought
Merrythought is a British teddy bear brand founded in 1930.
Their signature product is a plush bear called "Cheeky," which features a slightly deformed design ♡
The name "Cheeky" comes from Queen Elizabeth's response when she first saw Merrythought's plush toys, saying it looked "Cheeky"!
Having Queen Elizabeth as the namer makes it even more prestigious ♡
Teddy Bear Brand ③ Hermann Teddy
Hermann Teddy is a long-established German teddy bear brand founded in 1907.
Skilled teddy bear makers produce these toys using only high-quality materials with traditional methods, resulting in limited productions of up to 1000 pieces for each product**
With their round faces and eyes, they have a friendly appearance that resonates well with the Japanese population ♡
Teddy Bear Brand ④ Gund
Gund is an American teddy bear brand established in 1898. It is so popular that it's said every household with children in America has at least one Gund plush toy ♡
The popular product is the T-shirt bear, which features the ability to write messages on its T-shirt with a magic pen ♩ Perfect for baby gifts or presents for children.
Celebrate Teddy Bears' Day with a plush bear ♡
Teddy Bears' Day on October 27, which originates from President Roosevelt's rescue of a dying bear cub and his birthday ♡
It’s a day to express "Thinking of you" to your loved ones through teddy bears.
For those with children, giving a teddy bear as a gift can be a wonderful idea ♩