"Rose Ceremony!? Trying a Bachelor-Style Proposal and Having Fun as a Couple"

2019.10.30 published
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Are you watching The Bachelor?

Bachelor Japan is quite the topic, isn’t it?

It's a dating survival show on Amazon Prime where 20 beautiful women compete for the affection of a handsome and wealthy single man (the bachelor).

Throughout the show, there are several "Rose Ceremonies" where fewer roses are provided than the number of women present, and the bachelor only gives roses to the women he likes.

If you don’t receive a rose, you’re out.

For the women, the challenge in Bachelor Japan is to keep receiving roses.

The moment when the bachelor asks, “Will you accept this rose?” has become iconic and created quite a little boom.

A proposal in a Bachelor-style might be nice too♡

Until now, when it came to roses for a proposal, having 100 or 108 roses seemed to be the classic image.


For men who find that a bit cheesy, overly dramatic, and just plain nerving to do... perhaps trying a "single rose" and asking “Will you accept this rose?” in a Bachelor-style could work?!

It could be a bit of a joke, and she might chuckle and respond, “Yes, of course!♡”

In fact, it seems that there are people who have proposed and accepted a proposal with just one rose in a Bachelor style!♩

Bringing just one rose might be easy to hide, and even if it’s found out, I think she wouldn’t expect a proposal with just one, which could add to the surprise element.

For the men out there who are watching Bachelor Japan with their partners, and find a big bouquet of roses a bit too much...

If you think your girlfriend would appreciate this kind of joke, definitely give it a try!

A Bachelor-style proposal could be the way to go!♡

It might also be great for an after-party game??

At the after-party, there was a bride who had all the groom's guests dressed sharply in suits and did a Bachelor-style Rose Ceremony!

During the Rose Ceremony, the roses were arranged in a pyramid on the table next to the bachelor.

For example, you could set up a quiz with a voting format in advance, have the couple reveal the correct answers, and hand out roses in a Bachelor-style... that could be an option too!*

Do you like Bachelor Japan?

Starting from Season 1 in 2017, Bachelor Japan is now in its third year.

With shocking endings creating discussions on Twitter and Instagram, this romantic documentary is riding high on the topic scale!*

Since it's a buzzworthy topic, it might be fun to incorporate it into your life too?!

Just imagining a couple having fun with a Rose Ceremony at home sounds enjoyable and makes me envious♡

(I think I’ll ask my husband to do it next time! Haha)

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