The Perfect Bouquet for You! A Wonderful Wedding with Birth Month Bouquets ♡
2015.05.20 published
Let's Create a Bouquet with Your Birth Month Flower♡
Each month from January to December has a flower associated with it! How about making a bouquet featuring the bride's birth flower as the main flower?♡
This flower language is said to derive from the legend of "Narcissus," a beautiful young man who turned into a daffodil after falling in love with his own reflection in a water pool!
Tulips also have different meanings based on their colors! Red "confession of love," yellow "fame," pink "blossoming love," purple "immortal love"—all of them are lovely, right?♩
The flower language is "happiness returning," "purity," "innocence," and "humility," and it is said that those who receive them become happy in England and France!
Roses also have different meanings depending on their color: red "I love you," blue "miracle," "God's blessing," white "I am worthy of you," "deep respect," pink "elegance," "impression," etc.!
The flower language is "reservedness" and "shyness." According to legend, King Solomon, a lover of flowers, tried to incorporate flower designs into his crown but was refused many times,