"Tomorrows of Great Fortune: Celebrating Ten-Shakubi, a Day of Double Blessings That Surpasses the Auspiciousness of Taian!"のトップ画像

"Tomorrows of Great Fortune: Celebrating Ten-Shakubi, a Day of Double Blessings That Surpasses the Auspiciousness of Taian!"

2020.01.22 published
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The Best Auspicious Day! Studying "Tenshanichi"*

Many people know that it's better to choose "Taian" days for weddings, sending invitations, moving, or engagement ceremonies, but

Have you heard of "Tenshanichi," which is considered more auspicious than Taian??

It is read as (tenshanichi) or (tenshabii).

"Tomorrows of Great Fortune: Celebrating Ten-Shakubi, a Day of Double Blessings That Surpasses the Auspiciousness of Taian!"にて紹介している画像

Tenshanichi is considered the best auspicious day in the Japanese calendar, where the heavens forgive all sins (yurusu)*

Although it is more auspicious than Taian, it only occurs a few times a year and is not listed on calendars, so it is not very well known.

However, it is a rare and precious day, perfect for rituals.

(It is considered a very good day for starting anything, including weddings and registrations, submitting birth certificates, opening bank accounts, purchasing lottery tickets, starting a business, moving, or renewing wallets.)

"Tomorrows of Great Fortune: Celebrating Ten-Shakubi, a Day of Double Blessings That Surpasses the Auspiciousness of Taian!"にて紹介している画像

When is Tenshanichi from 2023 to 2024?

There are only 6 days of Tenshanichi in 2023 out of 365 days*

① January 6 (Friday)

② March 21 (Tuesday)

③ June 5 (Monday)

④ August 4 (Friday)

⑤ August 18 (Friday)❌

⑥ October 17 (Tuesday)

❌ August 18 is Tenshanichi but coincides with a "fujoujitsu" (a day to avoid). It's safer to steer clear of it. (There are also stories suggesting that Tenshanichi is not affected by fujoujitsu, though…!)

There are 7 days of Tenshanichi in 2024 out of 366 days*

① January 1 (Monday)

② March 15 (Friday)

③ May 30 (Thursday)

④ July 29 (Monday)

⑤ August 12 (Monday)

⑥ October 11 (Friday)

⑦ December 26 (Thursday)

(Considering that Taian occurs about 60 times a year, you can appreciate its rarity.)

When it coincides with "Ichiryumanbaibi," it becomes the most auspicious day of the year*

On such days when Tenshanichi coincides with the also auspicious calendar day "Ichiryumanbaibi,"

it becomes an even more fortuitous day.

There are only a few days in a year when these two coincide,

In 2023, the days where Tenshanichi and Ichiryumanbaibi overlap will occur only twice in January and March!!♡

<January 6 (Friday)>

<March 21 (Tuesday)>

That's right**

In 2024, the days where Tenshanichi and Ichiryumanbaibi overlap will occur four times in January, March, July, and December♡

<January 1 (Monday)>

<March 15 (Friday)>

<July 29 (Monday)>

<December 26 (Thursday)>

That's right**

"Tomorrows of Great Fortune: Celebrating Ten-Shakubi, a Day of Double Blessings That Surpasses the Auspiciousness of Taian!"にて紹介している画像

Although there are several auspicious calendars,

the auspiciousness of the days when Tenshanichi and Ichiryumanbaibi overlap is on a different level! It is regarded as the most wonderful day of the year, trending on Twitter and generating a lot of buzz.

It might be a good idea to start something on such an auspicious day♩

"Tomorrows of Great Fortune: Celebrating Ten-Shakubi, a Day of Double Blessings That Surpasses the Auspiciousness of Taian!"にて紹介している画像

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