Original Yet Not Embarrassing: Create Stylish Response Postcards with "Monochrome Portraits" as Stamps!

2020.09.08 published
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What to Do with Original Stamps for Reply Cards?

Until now, it has been common to use "celebratory stamps" on reply cards for wedding invitations, but recently, creating "original stamps" has also become popular♡

(You can easily order from the post office's website or LINE@)

You can freely customize by using pre-wedding photos or adding an original logo*

➡ How to order original stamps*

➡ Which is better, original stamps or postage paid in advance?

Original Yet Not Embarrassing: Create Stylish Response Postcards with "Monochrome Portraits" as Stamps!にて紹介している画像

However, you might want the original feeling, but…

☑ You haven't had a pre-wedding shoot, so you have no usable photos

☑ Using pre-wedding photos on the stamps is embarrassing

☑ You lack the sense to create a logo

☑ A logo might confuse guests, making them wonder "What does this mark mean?"

You might be thinking this way.

Making Original Stamps with "Portraits" is Stylish♡

For brides who want to make original stamps but are hesitant about using photos or logos,

I recommend making "portraits of the bride and groom" into original stamps*

Using portraits reduces the embarrassment compared to photos, and is clearer than a logo, making it likely that even men would think, "That’s stylish" or "I’m marrying someone like this!" and look forward to the wedding♡

Search for someone who can draw stylish portraits on Instagram or Minne and have them draw in your preferred style*

Popular options for portraits are not exaggerated caricatures typically seen at tourist spots, but rather simple line art or monochrome natural-style illustrations♡

To seamlessly blend with the reply card, the background is typically kept white*

If you purchase the illustration data for the portrait, you can also use it for paper items, welcome boards, and thank-you tags for small gifts*

Original Yet Not Embarrassing: Create Stylish Response Postcards with "Monochrome Portraits" as Stamps!にて紹介している画像

Original Stamps with "Portraits" are Cute♡

For reply cards of invitations, "original stamps and framed stamps" featuring portraits are stylish♡

Brides pondering "What design shall I choose?" should consider portraits as an option*

➡ How to order original stamps*

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