Is It Even Possible? Considering Future Wedding Opportunities Since Our Wedding Was Postponed Due to COVID-19
2020.04.29 published
I want to see the postponed wedding in a positive light!
A bride who postponed her wedding asked this question.
I was supposed to hold my wedding ceremony in late April, but I decided to postpone it to autumn due to the impact of COVID-19.
I understand that postponing the ceremony is the right decision given the circumstances, but considering that I had been preparing and now the ceremony is delayed, as well as the fact that we set the ceremony date on the anniversary of when we started dating, it's tough and I have been struggling to completely switch my feelings to a positive mindset...
However, since we have decided to postpone, I think I will take it in a positive way and see it as an extended preparation period, and work hard to make the ceremony enjoyable for everyone.
So, for those who have decided to postpone their weddings, what will you do during this extended preparation period?
Things you can do because the preparation period is longer, what everyone will do
I would love to take your experiences as references.
Thank you in advance.

Normally, when inquiries come in to marry, we have brides answer through our stories, and then we compile the results into an article. However, postponing a wedding is a significant decision, and even when postponing, it brings up questions about which month would be suitable; I think everyone might not have the luxury to think positively about it at this time...
I, too, was supposed to have my wedding at the end of April, and I am one of the brides who postponed due to COVID-19. I had been going through days feeling somewhat helpless, but after receiving this DM, I started to think, "Is it possible to take this postponement positively on behalf of brides who postponed their weddings?"
At first, I thought there was nothing I could see positively about it! But after taking a breath and thinking, I realized there might be indeed things that can be done because of the postponement...
In this article, I listed "what became possible due to postponing the wedding ceremony."
I hope the feelings of brides who postponed their weddings brighten up a bit...
Things you can do because the wedding is postponed: ① Growing your hair out
One of the good points about postponing the wedding is that you can "grow your hair out." No matter how hard you try, hair won’t grow in a short time, so this is a privilege of postponement.
If you had been thinking, "I wanted that hairstyle, but it wasn't possible due to the length of my hair and would have been a bit different," you can finally achieve your ideal look.
Not needing to use wigs is definitely a plus for yourself.
With the extra time, you can properly do treatments and home care, potentially arriving at an even more ideal state for the wedding!*
Things you can do because the wedding is postponed: ④ Some shops are holding sales
Some shops are holding limited-time sales to "support brides who postponed their weddings due to COVID." It's truly appreciated, right...!
(Even though wedding venues and shops are likely affected to some extent, it's wonderful that they are thoughtful companies to brides by holding sales.)
You might be able to buy items you wanted at a bargain, so be sure to check them out.
➡ Comprehensive wedding item shop【Farube】Emergency SALE*