Charming Foreign Combinations: Adorably Binding Cotton Paper Booklets with Silk Ribbons! ♡

2020.12.01 published
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Paper Items Reference ♡

I found some cute combinations that you should definitely consider when creating paper items like profile books, invitations, menus, and family meeting pamphlets!

The idea is "binding cotton paper with silk ribbon" ♡

Simply binding cotton paper (also known as handmade paper or linen paper) with silk ribbon looks really cute, don’t you think...?

It's a very common and simple binding method, but just by focusing on the materials, you can create such adorable items ♡

What items to bind?

The idea of binding cotton paper with silk ribbon can be used for the following items*

☑ Profile Book

☑ Seating Chart

☑ Menu

☑ Decorations for the Welcome Space

(Write "Save the Date" inside ♡)

☑ Invitation

☑ Family Meeting Pamphlet

☑ Wedding Vow Book (a notebook for writing vows)

☑ Bride's Letter (to be read at the reception)

☑ Cue cards for welcome speeches or thanks

What color of silk ribbon do you like?

What color do you like for the cotton paper × silk ribbon? ♡

Wedding-like white ♡ (It's not pure white; the very light blue hue is the key*)

Soft pink ♡

Pink ♡

Beige ♡ It's cute to tie it at the very end too!

Blue. A single knot rather than a bow*

A larger blue knot*

Calm blue-gray*


Try making cotton paper × silk ribbon items ♡

When creating booklet-type items, I highly recommend trying the combination of "cotton paper × silk ribbon"*

Even regular booklets can become dramatically cute with handmade paper and silk ribbon, so please try to mimic and create them yourself ♡

➡ You can purchase silk ribbon here ♩

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