Now's the Time! A List of Questions Everyone Wants to Ask Their Husbands
2020.12.05 published
A bride sent in this consultation*
We received a message with this content in marry's Instagram DM!

That's true...!
Doing a Q&A with 100 questions as a couple is exciting and interesting, isn't it? It's a great opportunity to ask questions that you might not normally feel comfortable asking yourself...!
I'm sure every couple has "things they'd like to ask but can't" or "things they'd like to say but can't."
If you use this opportunity to ask those secret questions with the attitude of "I just asked because I read it in this article!" there might be a chance for both of you to feel refreshed...???
With that in mind, I decided to gather questions on marry's Instagram story!
We received a lot, so we’re sharing them all*
Please try them out as a couple or with your partner ♡
*By the way, here’s the article with 100 questions created by marry that the person asking found interesting***
➡️ Here’s the article of "100 Questions We'd Like to Ask Each Other as a Couple"♡
➡️ Here's the article on "100 Questions About Each Other's Values and Past" too.
A collection of questions to ask your partner ♡
✅ When did you first think, "I like you"?
✅ When was the last time you thought you liked me?
✅ If I’m awake but you’re still sleeping, does it bother you?
✅ Do you want me to respond when you talk to yourself (like muttering at the TV)?
✅ Are you conscious of your health? (alcohol, smoking, health check-ups, etc.)
✅ What’s the most delicious dish I’ve made so far?
✅ Have you ever been to a host club?
✅ What about the adult entertainment industry!?
✅ When did you think about getting married?
✅ How did you prepare for the proposal?
✅ Do you want a second child?
✅ Should I be the one making lunchboxes?
✅ Do you pee standing up or sitting down?
✅ Do you spend your allowance completely?
✅ Would you like to be informed about high personal purchases? If so, from how much?
✅ Do you think I'm good at cooking?
✅ Are there things at home you dislike or want stored away?
✅ When you’re irritated, do you want to be left alone or do you want to talk?
✅ What do you think about leaving the air conditioner on when going out?
✅ What’s your most relaxing spot in the house?
✅ Are there household chores you wish you could avoid?
✅ Are you bad at surprises, both giving and receiving?
✅ Do you like having photos displayed around the house?
✅ Have you ever reread a letter I gave you?
✅ Do you prefer yellow light or white light?
✅ At what price per night do you think a hotel becomes expensive?
✅ If our child becomes a recluse, how would you want to handle it?
✅ If I died, would you want to remarry?
✅ How do you deal with facial hair after shaving?
✅ Have you ever been to an adult entertainment venue?
✅ When you receive a gift, do you throw it away if you don’t use it?
✅ Do you consider yourself thrifty or a spender?
✅ What’s your line for thinking something is extravagant?
✅ Do you want to use a dishwasher or prefer hand washing for cleaning dishes?
✅ Do you want time alone?
✅ Does it bother you if the bathroom is wet?
✅ What do you think about repaying your partner’s student loans from our finances?
✅ When we have a child and need to make lunchboxes, who will do it?
✅ What’s the least favorite chore you do?
✅ What’s your favorite chore among those you do?
✅ Do you have certain methods or preferences for housework?
✅ Would you want to have a wedding even if it was a remarriage?
✅ Is it strange that I want my parents to stop sending money?
✅ Does my armpit smell bad?
✅ What age gap do you think is best for having children?
✅ Is staying home during restrictions tough for you?
✅ Would you post on social media if we divorced?
✅ Where do you want to go first once restrictions are lifted?
✅ What do you think about getting pregnant before the wedding?
✅ When do you think would be the right time to get pregnant?
✅ Do you still have your ex-girlfriend's contact info saved?
✅ What would make you want a divorce?
✅ What do you think is the best way to reconcile after a fight?
✅ What do you think of a man who never proposes?
✅ Is it normal for me to cook dinner every day?
✅ Are you the type to want to post about our marriage or proposal on social media?
✅ Do you want to brag about us on social media?
✅ Do you think it's okay to post photos of you without asking on social media?
✅ How much value do you think a housewife's work has?
✅ Are there "my homemade dishes that I don’t necessarily want but don’t want to say it"?
✅ What do you think about couples who show affection in public? Envious? Dislike it?
✅ What price range do you think a high-end bag starts from?
✅ Do you see other women and think they’re cute?
✅ Are you confident that you will never cheat?
✅ If lunch is yakisoba, is it being lazy? Is it bad to have "lazy meals"?
✅ Are you glad you married me?
✅ Do you remember our first meeting?
✅ What are we doing for our next wedding anniversary?
✅ Tell me the moment you thought, "They’re so cute!"
✅ How do you want to have our wedding?
✅ What do you think about me attending bride events?
✅ What do you think about me having a pre-wedding planning account?
✅ What’s your favorite part of my body?
✅ Why did you want to date me?
✅ What’s the most moving experience you’ve had?
✅ Will you watch a movie you don’t like with me?
✅ Do you have things you find hard to say to me?
✅ What would you do if I said, "Honestly, I find your mother difficult..."?
✅ Would you love me in another life?
✅ Do you have a friend among mine who you don’t think highly of?
✅ Which do you prefer to hear: "I love you" or "I really like you"?
✅ Is it okay to kiss in front of friends? How about holding hands?
You might learn a side of your beloved that you didn’t know before.
A total of 80 honest questions were submitted to us*
From sweet questions to those that make you gasp, and even some that might make you wonder, "Is there something the other person is dissatisfied about??"
There might be questions that feel like "I can't ask this!" but through conversation and understanding each other's thoughts, I believe we can deepen our relationship.
I hope that by answering these questions together, you can understand each other better, grow closer, and create a better relationship!
I think I’ll try it out today too!