"Games That Are Sure to Amp Up Your After-Party Fun! Discovered on TikTok!"
2020.05.31 published
Are you all using TikTok...??
When you open the TikTok app
○○ Challenge!
○○ Game!
There are many trends and dance videos that are popular among young people, so it’s really entertaining ♩
It’s addictive and a very intriguing world of social media...!
While watching TikTok,
"I think this game could work at a wedding reception?"
"It seems like it would be fun even for adults...!"
Here are a few games that I thought would be great!
① Drawing on Each Other's Backs
Many people might have played drawing on each other’s backs when they were children.
This is a game where you try to guess the original prompt by drawing what is drawn on a piece of paper stuck to your back. *
≪If you do it at a reception≫
Form teams of 3 to 4 people and do a back drawing relay.
It would be fun to make it a rule that if the newlyweds can guess what the original prompt was from the drawing made by the last person, they win!
② Improv Challenge
The improv challenge is a game where one person performs an improvised dance to the song "My Way" by Def Tech, and everyone else imitates that dance. *
It’s interesting to see who is good at dancing and who isn’t, and to come up with amusing choreography on the spot.
≪If you do it at a reception≫
- The groom comes up with choreography on the spot and dances.
- About 5 participants imitate the groom's dance.
- The bride judges who danced the best ➡ that person wins!
This flow seems to work well! *
③ Mouse Mochi Pounding
The Mouse Mochi Pounding is a well-known traditional hand game. *
One person claps their hands to a set rhythm to a song, while another person rotates their hands horizontally as if kneading mochi.
It has also become popular overseas, with people getting serious about it and worrying about getting their hands stuck, which is part of its appeal abroad.
≪If you do it at a reception≫
Since it’s a game for pairs, it would be fun to recruit about 3 to 4 pairs besides the bride and groom, and the pair that can keep the Mouse Mochi Pounding going the longest without getting their hands caught wins!
However, if you set a rule where the pace speeds up according to the music, it would get exciting! ♩
④ Emoji Challenge
The emoji challenge is a video challenge where you take poses or make expressions that match the popped-up emojis. *
For example, if it’s a drum emoji, you pretend to play the air drum.
If it’s a soccer ball emoji, you pretend to play air soccer.
If the crying emoji appears, you make a crying face.
The key is to smoothly continue several emoji poses in time with the song! ♩
≪If you do it at a reception≫
It might be fun to project emojis onto a slide and have the person who can recreate the emoji most realistically win! *
There are various emojis, so choosing the prompts could also be enjoyable.
⑤ Finger Counting Game
The Finger Counting Game involves prompts like "Anyone who has done ○○" or "Anyone with the experience of ○○,"
where you fold down a finger each time you meet the criteria, determining win or loss!
“Anyone who has been lost,”
“Anyone who has mixed up someone’s name,”
are common prompts, so often the person who loses all five fingers first tends to be the one who has made a gaffe. *
≪If you do it at a reception≫
It seems good to have prompts related to the bride and groom.
"I’ve angered the groom (bride) before."
"I’ve built a debt with the groom (bride)."
Present these types of prompts, and have the person who folded the most fingers share their story related to it, which would be entertaining! ♩
⑥ Flag Raising Game
The last game I’d like to introduce is the Flag Raising Game. *
Two people close their eyes,
and think about who meets the criteria for prompts like,
"Which one is likely to become wealthy?"
"Which one is likely to live a long life?"
"Which one will be liked by children?"
They point to either themselves or their partner.
It’s fun to look back at the video afterward and check the answers!
≪If you do it at a reception≫
It might be best to gather questions from the guests beforehand at the reception, and then have the blindfolded bride and groom answer those questions as a smooth flow. *
Having the host bring up the interesting questions could help create lively discussions, making it exciting! ♩
Searching for Reception Games on TikTok ♩
I introduced six games that are popular on TikTok and could be held at a wedding reception.
① Drawing on Each Other's Backs
② Improv Challenge
③ Mouse Mochi Pounding
④ Emoji Challenge
⑤ Finger Counting Game
⑥ Flag Raising Game
If you carefully consider the flow and how to play, it will surely create a lively time! Please consider these options for your reception entertainment ♡