Are You All Lovey-Dovey at Home? Share What You Call Each Other as a Couple!のトップ画像

Are You All Lovey-Dovey at Home? Share What You Call Each Other as a Couple!

2021.09.22 published
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Questions from the Bride*

We received this question in marry's DM.


I'm sorry for the personal question.

Everyone, what do you get called by your husband…?? We just call each other by our names, but in a recent casual conversation with friends,

I was shocked to find out that my friend and her husband call each other really sweet nicknames!

I'm envious!

I have a request for marry! Please conduct a survey to show my husband, "It seems everyone calls each other like this!"

Please tell us what names couples in the world actually call each other at home! ♡


Are You All Lovey-Dovey at Home? Share What You Call Each Other as a Couple!にて紹介している画像


It’s a common sight to see that even men who seem cool can sometimes act cute at home, like calling out “nya~~n”!

I’m curious because I can’t really know what other loving couples are like and what kind of nicknames or conversations they have...

I will present all the responses from those who answered the survey!

【Response 1】

I call my husband → Kurukuru-kun (because his hair is curly)

He calls me → Chacko

Right now, we're really into Animal Crossing and always talk in a silly way like the island residents, changing the endings of our sentences.

It's really trivial, but I say things like "I'll be home soon to Namo~" or "I'm so happy, tcha!" or "Help me, Gachou!" etc...

The endings change depending on the resident, and we imitate them in our daily conversations 😂😅

Gachou is funny because the ending stays Gachou, and I keep saying it 😂

【Response 2】

We dated for 7 years and registered our marriage last year! Since we got married, I’ve been calling my husband “Da-chan,” the first letter of his name (*´∀`) shy

Before we got married, we just called each other by our names.

【Response 3】

We started calling each other 〇〇-iccho after getting into the bird video Wasabiccho 💗

【Response 4】

I’m called “Herb Tea-chan” 😂

It’s because I’m a healing presence for him!

He said I get along well with him, so he wants me to call him “Cake”! 😂

【Response 5】

Since we started dating, we’ve been calling each other with “-chan,” but recently since we had a child, we started calling each other "Oto-tin" (Dad) and "Oka-tin" (Mom) 😂 lol

【Response 6】

I’m called “Chorobi” because it moves around a lot...

By the way, I have a normal name.

【Response 7】

I'm not sure if it's a loving nickname, but since my husband is older, he adds “-chan” to my name.

I really like the feeling of being cherished 🥰

【Response 8】

I’m not sure if it’s a sweet name, but I call my husband “Boo”! *° (Boo is an overseas slang🥰)

I've gained weight significantly since we started dating, so it’s also a reference to "Boo" the pig!! (laugh)

【Response 9】

We've called each other Yu-kun and Mi-chan since we started dating ☺️ I sometimes playfully say "my bride" (laugh)

I think since we’re newlyweds, it’s delightful to say "bride"!

【Response 10】

Sorry, this is about my grandparents, not me. Their names are Youji and Akimi, and they still call each other You-chan and Aki-chan.

It's quite enviable how loving they are despite their age... 😓

【Response 11】

We don’t have nicknames, but we call each other Darling and Honey 😂💝

After registering our marriage, we were really excited about becoming a couple and started calling each other Darling and Honey, and now it's become a habit that hasn’t gone away (laugh)

【Response 12】

I call him “Ponyo.” His belly is all plump like Ponyo 😂

But in return, he teases me about my belly, saying “Your belly is also like Pom Pom Purin, so I’ll call you Pom!”

So now I’m called Pom 😌

【Response 13】

At first, we called each other by our names just like the questioner 😊 I tended to omit my husband's name, while he often added “-chan” to mine 💡

During the lockdown, we were at home a lot and got tired of the usual way of calling each other. 🥺

So we both thought of new names, and now I call him “Tsutsuu” with the first letter of his name repeated, and he calls me “〇〇 Kororin” where 〇〇 is the two-letter part of my name.

It makes for a more enjoyable mood, so I recommend it! 🤣👏🏻

【Response 14】

Embarrassingly, we add “-pon” after our names while calling each other (laugh)

I can’t call him that in front of my parents or in public, so in a way, I envy those who can call each other by their normal names (laugh)

【Response 15】

I call him “○-tan” (laugh)

I call him “○○-pon.”

I don’t call him that in front of others and don’t tell friends either so it’s a different name.

In the wedding ceremony's questionnaire about how do you call each other, I even lied (laugh)

It’s embarrassing to tell people, but it’s just become natural to me!

【Response 16】

Embarrassingly, I add [cho] at the end of my name.




【Response 17】

Since we started dating, we’ve been calling each other with -kun and -chan!

We hardly fight, and somehow it feels like our tone when we talk softens ☺️💗

【Response 18】

I don’t often tell people, but since we both love cats, we stretch the first letters of our names and add “nyan” to it 🤭❤

【Response 19】


My husband and I call each other in a similar way! We call each other Na-chan and Chi-chan!

I’m glad that during the wedding, there was a section to write our nicknames in the profile!

【Response 20】

In our household, I have plenty of nicknames 😂

Husband (Toshiharu) → Tot-chan, Tsuntun, Toshikun. Tsuntun comes from his hairstyle, and even my in-laws call him Tsuntun! w

Wife (Moe) → Mochiko, Mocchicchi, Mochikozaurus, Mokkosu, Chibisuke... and many others that change based on his mood 🤣 lol

【Response 21】

We still call each other by the nicknames we made during the exciting time when we just started dating www

We have animal nicknames that both resemble us; I was called “Nyaa-chan” which evolved into “Nyanchi,” and even after 10 years of dating, 7 years of marriage, and having kids, I’m still called “Nyanchi” 🤣

Every weekend we go on dates, and in 10 years we haven’t had any dry spells, I wonder if there are other couples as happy as we are 🤭💓

【Response 22】

We are about to enter our second year of marriage, but we still continue calling each other by the names we used while we were dating ☺️

I am called “Momoka,” so my husband “Shono” calls me “Momo-chan”!

【Response 23】

My husband’s name is Tatsuya, and my friend’s husband has the same name, so my husband goes by Tachiyan for distinction…

Since we often hang out together, it got a bit confusing, so my husband became Tappyon and now is Pyon-chan!

I am called Kaori-chan. People named Kaori often get called Kaori-chan, but I've always been called Kaori~ so my husband is the only one who calls me Kaori-chan!

I feel special every time he calls me that and it brings me happiness ❤︎

【Response 24】

We call each other Big Baby 😂

We also shorten it to Bay 😊🤣

【Response 25】

I’m not sure if it’s loving, but embarrassingly, we call each other Nyaa-chan 😭

【Response 26】

It’s a direct call!

【Response 27】

I call my husband by his name. He calls me “Assu” (a nickname based on my name).

Since my friends also use that nickname, it doesn’t feel special, so I want to be called by my name instead 😅

【Response 28】

I call him Baby and Bokuchin 🤭🤭

I’m so embarrassed that I can’t tell anyone 🤭 lol

【Response 29】

We add “P” to the first letter of each other's names.

I call him Tapi-chan, and he calls me Hapi-chan.

I feel so embarrassed when I catch myself saying, "Tapi-chan, are you going to sleep now??? Hapi-chan is feeling hungry and wants ice cream!"

The hidden loving sides of couples in the world!

In conversations with friends, we don’t really talk about these kinds of lovey-dovey stories... or how much we casually flirt around, so the responses we got were refreshing!

After all, couples and partners in the world are more lovey-dovey than they seem from the outside~~♡

The world is overflowing with love~~♡

I felt that way*

Are You All Lovey-Dovey at Home? Share What You Call Each Other as a Couple!にて紹介している画像

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