A New Genre of Thank You Tags!? Stylish "Film Tags" Created with Photos ♡

2020.12.07 published
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I Want to Attach Thank You Tags to Petit Gifts ♡

At the end of the wedding reception or after-party, petit gifts are given to guests as they are sent off.

It's popular to attach original thank you tags to petit gifts.

Even a small treat or drink can feel special and convey your gratitude with the addition of a thank you tag ♡

A New Genre of Thank You Tags!? Stylish "Film Tags" Created with Photos ♡にて紹介している画像

Thank you tags typically feature a "Thank You" message, the couple's names, and the wedding date…

However, I recently discovered a completely new and stylish idea that I would like to share ♡

The "Film Tag" is Too Stylish!

This is the new design of thank you tags, known as the "Film Tag"!

It features several black-and-white photos of the couple lined up, resembling a film camera negative.

With its nostalgic vibe, it's stylish even from a distance.

It looks great not only on petit gifts but also attached to paper items like seating charts or profile books.

In fact, the Korean purikura machines have a trend known as "Photo Grey," where four-panel-style photos are popular, and those connected vertically are referred to as "Photo Grey style" ♡

It's recommended to choose photos that are not close-ups, but rather those that convey the atmosphere of the wedding.

☑ Hand shots

☑ Foot shots

☑ Full-body shots from a distance

☑ Shadows

☑ Items

and more.

Film Tags are Going to be Trendy ♡

I introduced the new idea of film tags.

It seems like there are various ways to use them, and I feel they will become popular in the future!

Brides looking to coordinate stylish paper items might consider incorporating film tags.

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