Stylish Phrases for Invitations: What Does "It's a Date" Mean?のトップ画像

Stylish Phrases for Invitations: What Does "It's a Date" Mean?

2021.03.06 published
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I Want to Use Stylish Overseas Phrases!

When creating designs for wedding invitations, profile books, welcome boards, etc., one thing to consider is "what kind of English phrases to use."

Recently, especially, the simple design of [wedding photos + English phrases] has become popular, so choosing the right phrase is very important.

Commonly Used Classic Phrases Include:

☑ Just married

☑ Best day ever

☑ Happy ever after

☑ She said YES.

And more.

By choosing stylish phrases, you can enhance the quality of wedding items.

I Found a New Phrase I Want to Use!

While classic phrases are nice...

Using phrases that haven't been used much in Japan is also unique and wonderful.

One phrase I found while checking out overseas paper items is

【It's a Date】.

I was drawn to it because I've never seen it in Japan!

What Does 【It's a Date】 Mean?

After researching the meaning, it seems that in everyday conversation, it is used with the nuance of

"It's settled for that day"

"Let's meet on that day."

It often appears in "save the date" items in foreign countries (items separate from invitations that inform people of the wedding date).

It conveys the messages:

"The wedding date is set for this day!"

"Let's meet on this day for the wedding!"

Although there are still few couples in Japan sending save the dates, it's also perfect as a phrase for invitations.

Let's Try Using 【It's a Date】 with DIY! ♡

I introduced the unusual phrase 【It's a Date】, which is still not used in Japan.

In terms of nuance, it seems best suited for items delivered in advance, like save the dates and invitations, rather than items seen by guests on the wedding day.

If you plan to create an original invitation, please give it a try!

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