I Usually Wear Glasses. Is It Strange to Wear Them on My Wedding Day Instead of Contacts?のトップ画像

I Usually Wear Glasses. Is It Strange to Wear Them on My Wedding Day Instead of Contacts?

2020.07.29 published
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Inquiry Received at Marry*

I have poor eyesight. I live my life with glasses instead of contacts.

Although I'm not engaged yet, I've always wondered since I was a child, "Will I be wearing glasses at my wedding...?"

It feels like I've never seen a bride in glasses...

For those who don’t wear contacts, what do you plan to do during your wedding? Or what did you do??

I would be happy to hear your thoughts! 👓

I Usually Wear Glasses. Is It Strange to Wear Them on My Wedding Day Instead of Contacts?にて紹介している画像

Here are some responses we gathered.

[Response 1]

I have also been wearing glasses since my eyesight got worse, but for my wedding, I was told that glasses would reflect light in photographs, so I decided to try contact lenses for the first time 😊

While some of the lenses were uncomfortable, the nurse at the eye clinic helped me find a pair that was tolerable!

It felt strange, like I had a fisheye lens attached to my eyes since my field of vision was wider than with glasses 😅

[Response 2]

I’ve always worn glasses too. However, during a fitting experience at the venue (for traditional wear), I thought the glasses didn’t suit me, so I went to buy contact lenses.

After that, due to COVID, I ended up not wearing contacts at all, but I plan to gradually get used to them before the wedding.

[Response 3]

My boyfriend's brother and his wife met while working in a glasses store, so they both wore glasses at their wedding 👓

Indeed, when I think about it, brides in glasses don't come to mind, but I think wearing glasses shows a person’s true self and is perfectly fine! ✨

Conversely, there’s something charming about someone who usually wears glasses wearing contacts on their wedding day!

With a different look, I think both my boyfriend and friends would be captivated. They might end up looking even more beautiful 😊✨

[Response 4]

I’ve been wearing glasses since elementary school due to poor eyesight.

Once the wedding was decided, I considered practicing with colored contacts so that I could go without my glasses for the ceremony, but I was too scared to wear contacts, so I went through the wedding and reception entirely in glasses!

When I chose a pair with thin frames, surprisingly, they matched well with the dress!

Also, while I didn’t actually purchase them, if you search for bridal glasses, you will find websites selling glasses designed specifically for brides!

(If I remember correctly, there was a manufacturer called onimegane.)

There were many simple yet glamorous glasses that would suit a wedding dress! 😄

[Response 5]

I don’t have any plans yet, but I'm often daydreaming about my own wedding!

I love glasses, so I’m thinking of coordinating them with my outfit! I’m thinking of a classical dress with a stand collar to match round glasses, and either loose updo or a retro tight bun would look cute...

Even if people say it’s strange, glasses are part of me, so I don’t think I’ll mind.

If you’re worried, practicing with one-day lenses just for the event might be a good idea.

[Response 6]

I usually live without glasses... but I can’t see video content (like event movie segments) at all 😭💦

So I made sure I could see upfront and primarily went without glasses, keeping my glasses near the top table, putting them on briefly from time to time!

A little before our departure, the planner quickly put them in a case so they wouldn’t be lost and took them back to the room 😊❣️

My glasses appeared in the (end roll) video, but all the photos were without glasses, and honestly, I didn’t mind at all. Perhaps I didn’t need to switch to contact lenses after all?

However, if you always wear glasses and feel you can’t function without them during the ceremony, it might be a good idea to get ready with contact lenses too!

[Response 7]

I’ve always worn contacts, and I definitely recommend them!

I still remember the excitement of putting on contacts for the first time in middle school. They give a wider field of vision than glasses.

It’s a grand occasion like a wedding. I want to see everyone around, so even if it’s scary at first, I think it’d be good to consult with an eye doctor about trying daily soft lenses! 🥺

[Response 8]

I also usually wear glasses 👓

I feel like I’m more myself with my glasses than without, so I thought I’d wear my glasses with the dress at my wedding 💦

I couldn't envision myself without my glasses.

So right after getting engaged, I tried on a dress, but I naturally went in wearing glasses 👓

However, when I first wore the dress, I felt a sense of urgency that I couldn’t go with glasses, and I purchased contact lenses that very day 💦

I wanted my friends to get used to seeing me without glasses, so from that day on, I always wore contacts when going out!

I still have photos from the fitting on my camera roll, and looking back, I'm glad I took off my glasses! ✊🏻

[Response 9]

I’m not a bride, but I’ve never worn contacts, and I wore glasses during my single days, so I’d like to share a bit 🙇‍♀️

I’ve also never seen a bride in glasses, nor do I have friends who do, and even though one of my eyes is slightly nearsighted, I went to my wedding without glasses.

If you've worn glasses since childhood, they can become a charm point - part of your body, so if you ever get married, I think it’d be lovely to wear your glasses intentionally 🍀

I’d love to see a bride in glasses 🌸 Since they are rare, it would likely create an even more unique appearance!*

[Response 10]

I work at a wedding venue.

While most brides wear contacts, I occasionally see brides who wear glasses.

For those who find it tough to wear lenses continuously, glasses are a good recommendation.

It might also be helpful to discuss hairstyles and makeup that complement glasses.

[Response 11]

I work at an eye clinic, and I have patients who come in saying they only want to wear contacts for their wedding!

If glasses bother you, wearing contacts just for that event could be a great idea! ☺️

Wishing you a beautiful wedding 🤍

[Response 12]

If you’re concerned about how glasses might clash with your dress, I think using contacts is a good idea.

In middle school or high school, if someone who usually wore glasses switched to contacts, they’d get teased by friends saying, “You’re making your contact debut!” but I believe that as adults, that kind of thing doesn’t really happen anymore.

No one thinks, “Wow, this person is only wearing contacts for their wedding!” so there’s no need to worry.

Rest assured!

[Response 13]

I started wearing contact lenses after my wedding was planned! Since it takes time to get used to them, I started early and plan to wear contacts on the big day!

[Response 14]

I usually wear contacts... If I don’t have allergies or anything that prevents me from wearing them, I would definitely opt for contacts on my wedding day 💓😊

My friends who usually wear glasses got contacts prescribed from the eye doctor and practiced with them about a month before the wedding!

Of course, they wore contacts on the day too 🌟

[Response 15]

I think it’s a great idea to create really fashionable and chic glasses 💓

While switching to contacts is fine, I think it’s also lovely to celebrate your wedding being true to how you’ve always been with glasses 💓

Since veils might catch on them, it might be a good idea to discuss this with your outfit designer too 😳

[Response 16]

I’ve worn glasses since elementary school and I never wear contacts 👀

For the wedding and pre-shoot, I’m planning to go without glasses and with contacts. The reason being that if I cry, tears can mess up the lenses and affect how I look in photos. It’s also a bit troublesome to wipe tears with a handkerchief, and I don’t like it when false eyelashes or extensions stick to the lenses.

However, since I usually wear glasses, I’m thinking of taking some photos with my regular glasses during the pre-shoot, and using those on the welcome board! 🥰

[Response 17]

I usually wear glasses, but I wore contacts on my wedding day ♡ My sister also wears glasses, but she chose contacts for her wedding too.

Since there are many photos to be taken, I think contacts are a good recommendation ♡ Daily lenses are really convenient! 🤗

As You Prefer♡

Reading through the responses, it seems most people opt for contact lenses, but this is entirely a personal choice.

Regardless of what you choose, make sure you enjoy your wedding day in whatever way is most comfortable for you! ♡

(I think the idea of having glasses featured on a welcome board is interesting! ♡)

I Usually Wear Glasses. Is It Strange to Wear Them on My Wedding Day Instead of Contacts?にて紹介している画像

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