Useful Tips for Emergencies: Did You Know There Are ATMs that Dispense New Bills?のトップ画像

Useful Tips for Emergencies: Did You Know There Are ATMs that Dispense New Bills?

2020.08.06 published
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How to Prepare New Bills?

✅ Wedding Gifts

✅ Gifts for Births and New Homes

✅ New Year's Money

✅ Transportation Allowance

There are situations throughout the year where you need "new bills," aren't there?

If you go to the bank during business hours, you can exchange your money for new bills, but if you work full-time and have weekends off, it can be hard to find time to go to the bank during "weekday lunch hours" when the counter is open.

When I asked members of marry, they said,

"Since I can't go to the bank, when I want new bills, I withdraw money from a convenience store ATM until I get new bills (I can't tell if they are completely new, but they are clean bills without creases, also known as 'pin bills')."

I think there are many people like this, right?

There Are ATMs for New Bills!

Here's a little tip you should know for when you can't go to the bank during business hours but need new bills!

That is,

There are "ATMs for new bills."

When you withdraw money from an ATM for new bills, all the bills that come out are new, so you can get new bills even outside of bank counter hours.

Isn't it convenient?

Upon researching, I found that:

✅ Mizuho Bank: Shibuya Central Branch

✅ Mitsubishi UFJ Bank: Umeda Branch

✅ Yokohama Bank: Kamiooka Branch, Machida Branch, Yokohama Station Branch (weekdays only)

have ATMs for new bills.

If You Know of Any ATMs for New Bills, Please Let Me Know!

Did you know about "ATMs for new bills"?

(Even though I live in Tokyo, I didn't know that there was a new bill ATM at Mizuho Bank in Shibuya!)

It's an ATM that only those in the know are aware of.

If you have useful information about "there's one here too!" aside from what I've introduced, I'd love to add it to the article, so please let me know through marry's Instagram DM!

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