A Princess-Like Bouquet: Amazing Idea of Adding a Tiara to Your Flower Arrangement!

2020.12.03 published
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A Bouquet Like a Princess ♡

A tiara is a headpiece that symbolizes the bride.

It seems that there are bouquets with a tiara placed on flowers overseas ♩


Isn’t it amazing...?

If you use it for a proposal, you can place it directly on her head... ♡

A bouquet with a tiara that makes you feel like a princess ♡

You can present this during a proposal, and once you get a YES, you can place the tiara on her head, making it a lovely way to use it.

This bouquet idea is overflowing with romance, both in appearance and usage ♩

I found many bouquets with tiaras ♩

A bouquet of pink roses with a silver tiara.

This one features a tiara on a bouquet of yellow roses.

I thought that wrapping it with a bit more volume rather than simply would better balance with the tiara and make it more festive.

(It looks a bit like a dress ♡)

Placing a pearl tiara is also cute ♡

A bouquet wrapped in a veil with flowers and a tiara.

It gives a sacred feeling of a bride...!

A strawberry bouquet with a pearl tiara ♡

It’s not only cute but also looks delicious.

It might be nice to put a tiara on a bouquet too ♡

The idea of placing a tiara on a bouquet was something I had never seen or thought of before.

Whether it's for a proposal, a birthday bouquet,

or a bouquet to send to a friend for a wedding celebration, it perfectly conveys the right meaning and is beautiful ♡

One day, I’d love to see someone make this bouquet ♡

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