"Recommended 'Groom's Letter' for Him: A Collection of Experiences from Those Who Have Tried It or Seen It in Action"のトップ画像

"Recommended 'Groom's Letter' for Him: A Collection of Experiences from Those Who Have Tried It or Seen It in Action"

2021.02.12 published
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About the Groom's Letter, I Want to Know ♡

Introducing inquiries from brides-to-be that have reached marry.


Our wedding is coming soon.

While reading the marry website, I learned that some couples read not only the bride's letter but also a 【groom's letter】 during the reception.

I asked my fiancé to express gratitude to all the guests who gathered despite the COVID situation, but he said, "I want to try, but I've never seen it, so I can't imagine what it would be like." 🤵🏻

If anyone has

- Ever seen a groom read a letter,

- Had their husband write a groom's letter,

I would love to hear what the content was like!

If you could send me as detailed a version as possible (ideally the full text),


"Recommended 'Groom's Letter' for Him: A Collection of Experiences from Those Who Have Tried It or Seen It in Action"にて紹介している画像

Indeed, while the "Groom's Letter" is wonderful, it is still a rare performance that you don't see very often.

In this article, I would like to introduce responses gathered regarding the question of whether the groom has read a letter at their wedding! Or whether anyone has seen it!

Please expand your image of the groom's letter ♡

[Response 1 about the Groom's Letter]

In our case, during the groom's interlude, we planned to surprise his parents and have them join him; during that time, he read a letter of thanks.

The content was similar to a typical bride’s letter, expressing feelings of gratitude towards his parents.

In addition, instead of reading the bride's letter, we created a thank-you movie that featured comments for each guest with the text scrolling up from the bottom like it does at an end roll!

[Response 2 about the Groom's Letter]

This might be different from a groom’s letter, but at a friend's wedding, the groom spoke words of gratitude towards the attendees, like "Thank you for gathering," and then expressed words toward his family!

I don't remember the full text since it was a friend's husband, but...

The content included thanking his mother while sharing childhood stories of how she raised him.

He also expressed his gratitude towards his older brother for stepping in as a father figure.

I'm sorry for the long text and that it’s vague…

It was the first time I ever heard a groom express feelings like a bride’s letter, and I thought it was really nice to have a moment for the groom to convey his feelings!

[Response 3 about the Groom's Letter]

My husband read it.

It was the same as the bride's letter in that it was directed toward his parents.

He expressed gratitude towards his mother for all the trouble he caused during his rebellious middle and high school years and appreciated her for not giving up on him.

To his father, he expressed regret for quitting baseball in high school, despite being encouraged to play since the age of three, because of the pressure, and he expressed joy in being able to play baseball together on the same team as adults. He conveyed thanks that he normally wouldn't have spoken. We made sure it didn't drag on since it was for both the bride and groom, keeping it crisp.

The groom's parents were very happy, and the bride's parents were also moved to understand the groom's character. Since the groom expressed his gratitude to all gathered at the end with a greeting, I think the groom's letter directed toward his parents was a great idea!

[Response 4 about the Groom's Letter]

Good evening ☺️ We also did a groom's letter!!

My husband said he’d never seen one... I thought it was a bit strange for only the bride to convey thanks, as it’s not often that husbands get a chance to express their gratitude, so I insisted he do it!

I don’t have the original text, but I extracted the following from the video:

- Gratitude towards the guests who gathered,

- Gratitude towards his biological parents,

→ Since he has been playing soccer for many years, he spoke about their support, their presence during injuries, and accompanying him on trips,

- A message of determination to his in-laws,

→ The content about building a happy family with me,

- A request to continue being their supporters in the future.

Although it was shorter than the bride's letter, since it was a series of letters, I thought a shorter message was better, and there didn’t seem to be any signs of the guests becoming bored.

Also, several guests commented that they were moved to tears by the groom's letter! As I reported on Instagram and other sites, many people said they would also recommend it to their husbands!! So I conveyed my recommendation too! 😊

[Response 5 about the Groom's Letter]

Is it alright for the groom's letter to be a letter from the groom to his parents...? 😅 If so, we also did a surprise!

The content was similar to what I wrote, sharing childhood memories, what my parents meant to me, and expressing gratitude towards them ✉

My husband, who was raised by a single father, mentioned that he felt embarrassed about expressing feelings and gratitude as men, but he said it felt good to do so at the wedding 😊

My father-in-law had tears in his eyes, and participants expressed that the groom’s letter was really good✨, which made me happy 💗

[Response 6 about the Groom's Letter]

At my wedding, we did a groom's letter instead of a bride's letter.

The content focused more on a brief greeting to those who attended than gratitude towards parents, and also included thanks to mentors.

The groom's acquaintances were moved to tears. The groom expressed his thanks while crying, so the bride was wiping his tears as he read the letter, creating a reversed typical pattern.

[Response 7 about the Groom's Letter]

At a friend's wedding, the groom sent a letter of gratitude to his parents ⭐️

He presented it like a certificate at an award ceremony, reading it while incorporating humor and conveying his gratitude ☺️

[Response 8 about the Groom's Letter]

My husband read a letter at the reception!

Initially, I was embarrassed to read a letter as a bride during the reception, as I'm not comfortable in front of people, so I read a shorter letter during the ceremony instead.

Therefore, since there wasn't time for a letter from the bride during the reception, my husband expressed that he wanted to convey feelings of gratitude to his parents as well, so he read a groom's letter at the end of the reception.

The content was similar to the bride's letter, expressing feelings of gratitude towards both his father and mother. There was no sense of awkwardness at all while he was reading it!

[Response 9 about the Groom's Letter]

My husband read a groom's letter!

He took the interlude with his mother, who raised him alone, and his older sister, but before that, he read a letter to the two of them!

I don't remember much of the content, but my husband, who never cries, was emotional and shed tears while reading the letter! His mother and sister were crying happily!

It seemed that everyone around was moved too 🥺 I believe it's a once-in-a-lifetime letter, so I absolutely recommend it 🥺💕

[Response 10 about the Groom's Letter]

Both the bride and groom read letters at a friend's wedding we attended! 💌

The groom’s letter expressed gratitude to his parents, grandparents, etc., for raising him.

I don't think it’s common for men to write and read letters, so he was probably nervous, but I was very moved listening to him, and I couldn’t stop crying. His family was very happy!

After the groom's letter, they had a performance where he held hands with his grandparents while exiting (for the wardrobe change).

A Groom's Letter is Precious!

Gratitude and affection are things that, even if you feel them, won’t be conveyed unless you say them.

And even if it seems to be sufficiently conveyed, hearing it directly in words can be incredibly heartwarming.

Men often don’t write love letters to their partners either.

It's likely they lack the ability to express their feelings even to their romantic partners, so they probably have very few opportunities to tell their family heartfelt thanks or share their feelings.

If they miss this opportunity at the wedding, it might never happen again.


To honor the parenting journey of their mother and father, a letter of gratitude is indeed an important moment.

Just like the bride's letter, having the husband read a "Groom's Letter" can create a wedding that is very respectful to the parents ♡

"Recommended 'Groom's Letter' for Him: A Collection of Experiences from Those Who Have Tried It or Seen It in Action"にて紹介している画像

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