Amore♡ A Guide to Italian Wedding Phrases to Use Instead of English♩

2021.02.11 published
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The Land of Love: Italy ♡

Italy boasts numerous landmarks throughout the country, including Venice, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Colosseum, and the Blue Grotto.

There are also many delicious dishes, so many people must have visited this wonderful country.

If you love Italy ♡, it might be nice to translate some English phrases used in wedding items into Italian.

Normally written in English, imagine if they were in Italian instead.

It would surely be stylish and catch the attention of your guests with a “Hey, isn’t that Italian?” ♩

Useful Italian Phrases for Weddings: Basic Greetings

・Buon giorno (ボンジョルノ) = Good morning, hello

・Buona sera (ボナセーラ) = Good evening

・Ciao! (チャオ) = Hi!

・Grazie (グラッツェ) = Thank you

・Buona giornata (ブオナ ジョルナータ) = Have a nice day

・Benvenuti (ベンベヌーティ) = Welcome

・Mi piaci (ミ ピアーチ) = I like you

・Ti amo (ティアモ) = I love you

・Amore (アモーレ) = Love, beloved

Useful Italian Phrases for Weddings: Words Related to Marriage

・Auguri (アウグーリ) = Congratulations

・Tanti auguri! (タンティ アウグーリ) = Many congratulations!

・Congratulazioni (コングラトゥラツィオーニ) = Congratulations

・Felicitazioni vivissime! (フェリチタッヅィオーニ ヴィヴィシム) = Congratulations on your marriage!

・Auguri per matrimonio! (アウグーリ ペル マトリモニオ) = Congratulations on your wedding!

・Ci siamo sposati (シー シアモ スポザーティ) = We have gotten married

・Mi puoi sposare? (ミ プオイ スポザーレ) = Will you marry me?

・Baciami! (バッチャミ) = Kiss me!

・Sposi (スポージ) = Bride and groom

・Sposa (スポーザ) = Bride

・Sposo (スポーザ) = Groom

・Invito al matrimonio (インヴィート アル マトリモーニオ) = Wedding invitation

Useful Italian Phrases for Weddings: Quotes and Proverbs

・L'amore rende felice la gente.

= Love makes people happy.

・Le gioie più grandi vanno sempre divise con chi si ama.

= The greatest joys are always shared with those we love.

・Il vero amore e senza rimpianti.

= True love has no regrets.

You’ll Want to Try Using Italian ♩

For example, in a profile book or a welcome board.

If you think of a place where an English phrase would fit well, replacing it with Italian may add a different stylish atmosphere ♡

Brides who have a special connection to Italy or love the country should definitely take this into consideration.

➡ See the list of English phrases here

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